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English as a Second Language Programs and Services

British Columbia is responsible for the design, administration and delivery of settlement and integration services for immigrants and refugees within the province.

The province is committed to providing ESL programs and services that help immigrants and refugees become self-sufficient, and enable newcomers to take part in the social and economic life of the province. New immigrants and refugees settling in British Columbia are supported by two program areas: the British Columbia Settlement and Adaptation Program (BCSAP), administered by the Ministry of Attorney General; and Adult English as a Second Language programs, administered by the Ministry of Advanced Education.

Current ESL Services in British Columbia

  • ESL services are offered by a broad variety of service providers with specific areas of expertise, as well as public post-secondary education institutions.
  • A wide variety of ESL services are delivered by well-trained, dedicated and experienced instructors.
  • ESL programs are flexible, client-centered and inclusive. They are open to a wide range of students of varying ages.
  • English Language Services for Adults programs, and ESL classes at the literacy level offered at public post-secondary institutions, are tuition free. Students who take higher level ESL programs in the public post-secondary system may be eligible for provincial funding assistance.
  • Some ESL programs provide child-minding services.

Moving Forward

  • Government recognizes that effective, responsive and flexible ESL programs and services are essential to maximize the social and economic benefits of immigration and integrate immigrants into Canadian society.
  • An ESL Services Review [PDF] was completed in 2004. This was the first phase in the development and design of an enhanced ESL delivery model that best matches available resources and newcomers' needs.
  • A number of recommendations in the report are being implemented. The ministries of Attorney General and Advanced Education are working together to develop a more seamless ESL service delivery system, which includes regular inter-ministry consultations and partnerships among government ministries and stakeholders on assessment and curricula development projects.
  • The province is moving forward in its commitment to develop and design an enhanced ESL delivery model. The current context, future ESL service requirements, and immigration priorities are being considered in the final stage of the ESL services review project.

For more information on ESL Services, please see British Columbia Newcomers' Guide to Resources and Services.


October 25, 2006

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