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Strategic Framework for Action

Strategic Framework for Action

Joint Letter   PDF 21kb

Joint Letter from Patrick Wong, Minister of State for Immigration and Multicultural Services and Jan Walls, Chair of the Multicultural Advisory Committee

As Minister of State for Immigration and Multicultural Services and Chair for the British Columbia Multicultural Advisory Council (MAC), The Strategic Framework offers.......we are pleased to present, on behalf of the Government of British Columbia and the MAC, the Strategic Framework for Action: A Strategy to Stimulate Joint Action on Multiculturalism and the Elimination of Racism in British Columbia. The provincial government understands the importance of cultural diversity in building and sustaining a strong and healthy society. The Strategic Framework offers suggestions on how various sectors—including the three levels of government, the private sector, non-government organizations and community partners—can work together to further strengthen and promote multiculturalism.

The Framework will be used as a starting point at a day-long Dialogue on Multiculturalism to be held February 14, 2005 at the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue in Vancouver. Participants at this event will focus on the future of multiculturalism in British Columbia, and the role of all sectors in ensuring cultural diversity is a part of our social and economic fabric. Participants will also focus on what can be done to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of multiculturalism and the elimination of racism, and to articulate a cohesive and shared vision for British Columbians.

We would like to thank the Future Directions Steering Committee and the Multicultural Advisory Council for their work on shaping this document. As Minister responsible for immigration and multicultural services and Chair of the MAC, we will be working closely with the Council to watch, listen and participate.

We believe that by joining together to strengthen our commitment to multiculturalism and anti-racism, all British Columbians will benefit from a better quality of life, a stronger economy and safer communities.


Patrick Wong, Minister of State for
Immigration and Multicultural Services

Jan Walls, Chair
Multicultural Advisory Council


October 25, 2006

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