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  Newcomers' Guide Introduction

British Columbia Newcomers' Guide
to Resources and Services  (2003 edition)

Welcome to the on-line version of the B.C. Newcomers' Guide to Resources and Services.

This guide has information you may need if you have recently arrived in British Columbia, Canada. It is written in clear and simple language.

The guide is available as a PDF download in English, Punjabi, Korean, Chinese, and French.

We welcome your suggestions and comments for future editions of the British Columbia Newcomers’ Guide. Contact us here.

February 2003 edition: Names, addresses and telephone numbers in the 2003 Newcomers' Guide may have changed and some publications may be out of print. The government assumes no responsibility for any cost or inconvenience errors, omissions or changes may cause users of this handbook. An updated guide will be released in 2007.

Go to next page: Chapter 1, The First Few Days

The guide is also available in .pdf format.

B.C. Newcomers' Guide to Resources and Services (2003)






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