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2005 BCSAP Outcomes and Client Satisfaction Survey

The BC Settlement and Adaptation Program (BCSAP) Outcomes and Client Satisfaction Survey was developed to monitor client achievement in reaching some of the immediate and intermediate outcomes expected from this program as well as client satisfaction with the program. This survey also supports the Ministry in developing accountability measures for the purpose of reporting to the public on the overall performance of the program.

Stream 1 – Information & Support Services pdf file - Adobe Reader required (458KB)

Stream 2 – Community Bridging Services pdf file - Adobe Reader required (507KB)

Stream 3 – English Language Services for Adults pdf file - Adobe Reader required (545KB)

Stream 1/3 – Information, Support & English Language Services for Adults pdf file - Adobe Reader required (425KB)

The survey was piloted for the first time in 2004. While service providers and Ministry staff were able to gain a good preliminary sense of the value to clients of the program, the process of survey development and the analysis of the 2004 results were intended primarily to inform subsequent survey development and administration activities. The survey was administered for the second time in 2005 and the generally consistent results reveal the reliability of BCSAP and of the Outcomes and Client Satisfaction Survey as a measure of program evaluation.

Through the surveys we are listening to clients and learning about their satisfaction with the program and about their achievement of outcomes. We are, in turn, ensuring BCSAP is meeting client needs. In addition to informing program design, survey results will also provide BCSAP service providers with constructive feedback that will enable them to improve services and service quality.

Participation: Approximately 3400 of the BCSAP clients who received settlement services under one of the four streams participated in this study.

Design: Survey design, methodology, and questions were developed by a professional research company, Synovate, in collaboration with four program-specific advisory groups.

Administration: Self-completed surveys were administered to Stream 1 clients, while for the other three streams, telephone surveys (and questionnaires in the case of Stream 2 youth clients) were conducted by Synovate. Surveys were administered from July to November 2005 in English, Arabic, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), Farsi, French, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Findings on client satisfaction: Results indicate a high level of client satisfaction across services. The majority of clients stated that their agency was very helpful and that they feel positive about the English language training and settlement services they are receiving from the program and their service providers.

Findings on program outcomes: Results indicate that clients are meeting most of the immediate and intermediate outcomes identified for each service. Outcomes were also analysed in relation to client characteristics and agency service delivery indicators1. Only those with statistically significant results are included in the reports.

Future directives: This survey is part of an on-going performance measurement process that provides valuable information that supports continuous improvements to programs and services. The Ministry is committed to measuring the impact of BCSAP services on clients on a consistent basis, and in future intends to conduct similar surveys every two years.

1 It should be noted that the relatively lower achievement rates for Stream 1 clients is related to the breadth of the service. Since the majority of Stream 1 clients would not have requested the entire range of services offered, it is not expected that they would demonstrate successful achievement of all outcomes.


October 25, 2006

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