Ministry of Health ServicesGoverment of British Columbia
    space for alignment The Minister News Search Reports & Publications Contacts

Problematic Substance Use Prevention  
Priorities for Action in Managing the Epidemics HIV/AIDS in BC: 2003-2007  
The HIV/AIDS Epidemic  
Goals of HIV/AIDS Services
Social Determinants of Health
Needle Exchanges
Methadone Treatment for Heroin Addiction
Obtaining an HIV Test  

Other Links
The Red Road: Pathways to Wholeness
(PDF 2.7 Mb)
Health and Human Services Library  
The Canadian HIV/AIDS Clearinghouse  

HIV/AIDS and Problematic Substance Use Prevention

HIV/AIDS and Problematic Substance Use Prevention works to prevent the problematic use of alcohol, prescription and illegal psychoactive substances, HIV disease and other blood borne pathogens by:

  • Building community, health authority and public support for developing evidence based approaches for problematic substance use prevention and HIV prevention and care across BC.
  • Gathering and disseminating evidence from researchers, the field and community stakeholders that can inform innovative program design and development.
  • Ensuring best practice support and information is updated in accordance with emerging research and regional needs, and disseminated effectively.
  • Ensuring proposed approaches complement initiatives from BC's health authority, aboriginal initiatives, the Canadian Strategy on HIV/AIDS, and Canada's Drug Strategy.
  • Monitoring provincial progress in addressing alcohol and drug misuse and HIV disease.
  • Facilitating and guiding inter-ministerial and inter-jurisdictional discussions and action on HIV disease and problematic substance use.

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Last Revised: Wednesday, 19-Jan-05 11:24:17

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