November 15, 2006


VICTORIA – The Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services has concluded its Budget 2007 consultations after hearing from more than 8,300 British Columbians regarding their choices and priorities for the next provincial budget. These priority areas are reflected in the 36 recommendations contained in the parliamentary committee’s report.

"It was very clear from our consultations that British Columbians want the government to continue to provide a competitive taxation environment while ensuring that we build upon our existing social infrastructure," said committee chair Blair Lekstrom, MLA. "Personally, I was struck by the presentations calling for the government to allocate additional resources to enable the immediate elimination of assessment waitlists for children and youth with special needs."

Added Lekstrom: "As well, it was gratifying to see the importance British Columbians placed on ensuring our agricultural industry achieves the support necessary to remain competitive in the global environment."

The committee’s report addresses three key themes for government: to continue to build upon British Columbia’s economic success story, to enhance opportunities for those in need of assistance; and to support B.C.’s communities and natural environment. Reflecting these themes, the committee makes recommendations on key priority areas, including: ensuring a competitive taxation regime, improving access to social housing, making prudent investments in transportation infrastructure, continuing to reduce borrowing and debt, and increasing environmental enforcement.

During its consultations, the committee held 15 public hearings across the province and invited online and written responses to the questionnaire in the government’s Budget 2007 Consultation Paper. In addition, this year the committee reviewed responses from the provincewide distribution of the budget consultation paper. In total, the committee received 8,329 unique submissions – 211 oral submissions, 396 written submissions, 4,660 online responses and 3,062 flyer responses – a new record for any parliamentary committee in British Columbia.

"This comprehensive report clearly reflects the public’s priorities for Budget 2007. I am very proud of this process, which gives every British Columbian the opportunity to have input into their provincial budget. A number of recommendations put forward in previous Finance Committee reports have been acted on by government and I am confident that this year’s report and recommendations will see the same result." Lekstrom added: "It is regrettable that despite considerable time and consideration, Members of the Opposition chose not to endorse this report. However, we would like to thank all the individuals and organizations that took the time to participate in this important process."

The members of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services are:

Blair Lekstrom, MLA (Peace River South) Chair

Dave S. Hayer, MLA (Surrey-Tynehead)

Bruce Ralston, MLA(Surrey-Whalley) Deputy Chair

John Horgan, MLA (Malahat-Juan de Fuca)

Iain Black, MLA (Port Moody-Westwood)

Jenny Wai Ching Kwan, MLA (Vancouver-Mount Pleasant)

Harry Bloy, MLA (Burquitlam)

Richard T. Lee, MLA (Burnaby North)

Randy Hawes, MLA (Maple Ridge-Mission)

Bob Simpson, MLA (Cariboo North)

Information about the committee’s work can be found on its website at, by contacting any committee member, the Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services, (Blair Lekstrom, MLA [Constituency Office 250-784-1330]) or by contacting:

Kate Ryan-Lloyd, Clerk Assistant and Committee Clerk
Room 224, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., V8V 1X4
Telephone: (250) 356-2933, Toll-free: 1-877-428-8337 Fax: (250) 356-8172
