The Debates and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut, commonly known as Hansard, is a verbatim report of the debates taking place in the Assembly. The policy of the Nunavut Hansard is to provide a verbatim record with a minimum of editing and without any alteration of the meaning of the Member's speech. The Hansard is produced and available in both English and Inuktitut. The unedited transcript ("the Blues") is made available as soon as possible, usually the following sitting day. The Legislative Assembly does not object to the reproduction of unedited Hansard so long as it is clearly identified as an unofficial version of the proceedings. The printed versions are the official record. Questions or inquires can be directed to or (867) 975-5000.

First Session
Second Session
Third Session

For Hansards from the First Legislative Assembly, please visit the archive.

Legislative Assembly of Nunavut
Box 1200, Iqaluit, NU, Canada X0A 0H0
Tel.: (867) 975-5000
Fax: (867) 975-5190
Toll-free: (877) 334-7266