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2006-07 Debates and Proceedings (Hansard)

3rd Session of the 25th Legislature

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Past Hansard Calendars: 


Sitting Days

December4, 5, 6
November1, 2, 6,pm, 7, 8, 9, 13,PM, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30
October26, 27, 30,PM, 31

Click on a date above to view the corresponding Hansard verbatim for the current session. Click on 'PM' to view the verbatim for the evening of the corresponding date. Documents are in Adobe PDF format, therefore Adobe Acrobat Reader may be required to view some documents.  You can download it for free by clicking here.


Live streaming video of the legislative proceedings is now available.  Click here for more information.


More information

The Debates and Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, commonly known as Hansard, is a verbatim report of the debates which take place in the Assembly. The policy of the Saskatchewan Hansard editors is to provide a verbatim record with a minimum of editing and without any alteration of the meaning of the Member's speech. Hansard is produced and available after each sitting of the House on a daily basis and is available the following morning here. Questions or inquiries can be directed to hansard@legassembly.sk.ca or (306) 787-2290.

Disclaimer: the electronic versions of the Legislative Assembly's documents are provided on this site for information purposes only. The content of the documents is identical to the printed record, only the presentation differs unless otherwise noted.  The printed versions are the official record for legal purposes.

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Copyright © 2004 Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan| Last modified: June 15, 2006