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Fish and Wildlife Branch

Angling Ethics

Over 400,000 anglers enjoy fishing on lakes, rivers, and streams throughout British Columbia. The popularity that recreational freshwater fishing enjoys may compromise not only the experience anglers are seeking, but also contribute to decline of some fish stocks, impact fish habitat and increase conflicts between anglers.

Respect fish and treat them humanely. Keep fish immersed in water until you identify the species and its size. Help Ministry of Environment look after our fisheries by limiting your catch to your needs and never exceeding the legal limit. "Let them go, let them grow," and practice "catch and release" when appropriate or required.

Protect the environment. Each aquatic ecosystem is complex and unique. Prevent transfer of aquatic species or weeds from one water body to another. Never contaminate water bodies or shorelines with litter. For tips about how to dispose of fish wastes properly, see Angling Tips in Bear Country.

Practise courtesy toward other anglers and respect their rights. Share the water with other users. Practise good angling etiquette by:

  • moving around a water body in patterns appropriate to your gear and local conditions;
  • when in a boat give a wide berth to wading anglers, other boaters and swimmers;
  • leaving adequate room between other anglers and yourself, especially flyfishers.

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Respect public and private property. Always ask permission before entering private property, including Indian Reserve land. Leave natural areas as you found them, keep campsites clean and be careful with campfires.

Support fishing regulations and obey the law. Regulations are set to manage fisheries now and for the future and are based on the best scientific advice available. Acquaint yourself with daily quotas, size and possession limits, tackle and bait restrictions, and seasonal closures.

Use the Report All Poachers and Polluters (RAPP) hotline to report violations 1-877-952-RAPP (7277): We can all help ensure that those who break the law do not spoil future angling opportunities for everyone. For more information, see Report All Poachers and Polluters (RAPP).

For more information on angling practices on specific waters, you may wish to contact a local angling club or tackle shop.

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