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Fish and Wildlife Branch

Classified Waters in B.C.

The classified waters of B.C. are forty-two (42) highly productive trout streams. These streams are classified as either Class I or Class II and are listed in the Water Specific Tables for each Region or a listing is provided in the Wildlife Act under the Angling and Scientific Collection Regulation.The Classified Waters Licensing System was created to preserve the unique fishing opportunities provided by these waters, which contribute significantly to the province's reputation as a world class fishing destination. Currently, the province recently completed a Classified Waters Review.

All anglers required to buy a basic Angling Licence must also purchase a Classified Waters Licence before fishing on a stream during the period when it is classified:

This licence is required in addition to the basic angling licence and any other stamps required by regulation.

Also note that a steelhead surcharge stamp is required at all times when fishing for steelhead, or when fishing classified waters during the period when steelhead are known to be present. The specific times when a steelhead licence is mandatory are listed in the Water Specific Tables for each Region.


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