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Land Use Index
Aboriginal Relations and Land Use Branch
Striving to foster mutually beneficial working relationships with First Nations communities.
Community Forest Pilot Project
The community forest tenure is designed to increase the direct participation of communities and First Nations in the management of local forests.
Energy Resource and Land Use Planning
Supporting responsible stewardship of the province's energy resources in land use planning and management initiatives.
Expropriation Compensation Board
Determines the amount of money paid when a public agency takes property for the public interest (expropriation), if there is disagreement about the property's value.
Islands Trust
Making land use decisions that will preserve and protect British Columbia’s Gulf Islands.
Land Information BC
A single window to the province’s land and resource information, products and electronic services for business, academia, governments and the public.
Land Title Branch
Provides registration of title, land title searches, and copies of documents and survey plans.
Land and Resource Data
A collection of land and resource information.
Land and Water Use Plans
Information regarding the development and approval of strategic land and water use plans.
Mineral Land Use
Detailed information on particular land use issues with a focus on mineral resources.
Regional Land Use Plans
Land Resource Management Plans (LRMPs) in British Columbia.
The Forestry Revitalization Plan
The actions and expected benefits from forest policy reforms being made to help revitalize the industry.
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