Resource Summary

Core Business Areas 2005/06
Operating Expenses ($000)
Public Schools 4,262,372 4,360,873 4,361,811 4,362,798
Independent Schools 186,629 191,285 199,358 206,667
Debt Service and Amortization 546,385 558,978 572,967 594,171
Early Learning and Literacy 18,361 18,887 19,163 19,163
Management Services 12,414 12,568 12,568 12,568
Executive and Support Services 50,277 53,076 53,600 53,600
Total 5,076,388 5,195,667 5,219,467 5,248,967
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Management Services 85 85 85 85
Executive and Support Services 228 228 228 228
Total 313 313 313 313
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Management Services 95 75 0 0
Executive and Support Services 9,650 8,677 6,885 5,220
Total 9,745 8,752 6,885 5,220
Capital Plan ($000)
Public Schools
Disbursements are provided for approved school capital projects including costs related to construction, school site acquisition, portable facilities, capital leases, and bus and equipment purchases.
170,300 181,295 256,300 305,425

1  These amounts have been restated, for comparative purposes only, to be consistent with the presentation of the 2006/07 Estimates. Schedule A of the Estimates presents a detailed reconciliation.

SUCH Sector Resource Summary

The SUCH 14 Sector Resource Summary sets out the three-year rolling funding plan for school districts.

School Districts 2005/06
Restated Estimates
Combined Income Statement ($000s)1
Total Revenue 4,847,964 4,879,082 4,903,688 4,913,013
Total Expense 4,780,677 4,863,590 4,855,934 4,868,539
Operating Results 67,287 15,492 47,754 44,474
Gain (Loss) on sale of capital assets (if applicable) 3,831
Net Results 71,118 15,492 47,754 44,474

1  This combined income statement includes estimates from 60 school districts. Numbers do not include the eliminating entries required to consolidate these agencies with the government reporting entity.

Major Capital Projects

Under the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act (sections 8 and 14), ministries are required to disclose information concerning any commitment or anticipated commitment that exceeds $50 million towards the cost of an individual project. Over the next three years, the Ministry of Education does not anticipate any commitments to meet the $50 million reporting requirement under the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act.

14  The SUCH Sector includes schools, universities, colleges and hospitals.
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