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Education and Literacy Topics
A comprehensive list of online resources

Post Secondary and Continuing Education Index
Aboriginal Student Assistance
First Citizens Fund Student Bursary Program - Provides financial assistance to eligible Aboriginal students enrolled in post-secondary education programs.
Achieve BC
Achieve BC brings together the latest educational tools and information for promoting learning and achievement in early childhood, grade school, post-secondary education, and the world of work.
Aerospace Training Strategy
Paid work-based training combined with post-secondary education. Earn while you learn.
B.C. Awards Online
A searchable database containing available student awards, bursaries and scholarships. Searchable by award deadline, career area, district specific, category etc.
Career Planner for Students and Parents
Information for students and their parents about career and post-secondary education options.
Education Planner
Leading Edge Endowment Fund
Loan Forgiveness Program for Nurses, Physicians, Midwives and Pharmacists
Provides loan forgiveness to B.C. students graduating from accredited nursing (including licensed practical nursing), medical, midwifery and pharmacy schools who agree to practice in an underserved community for three years.
New Post-Secondary Student Spaces
Online Student Loan Application
Apply for financial assistance online.
Post-secondary Application Service of British Columbia
B.C. public post-secondary education institutions' application.
Skills Development
Information for employers and employees related to career and workforce development.
Student Assistance Programs in B.C.
Eligible students can apply for help with the costs of post-secondary studies at universities, colleges, institutes and private training institutions. A one step application process to apply for various loans and grants.
Student Financial Aid
Financial aid programs for post-secondary education.
Student Financial Assistance
Students with Disabilities in Public Post-Secondary Institutions
A resource directory of programs and services providing information for potential students and their counsellors, families and referral agencies.
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