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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

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Calendar of Events Maps and Photographs of Grounds Application Form
Legislative Precinct Regulation Contact Information

Public Use of Legislative Grounds Application

Please fill in all information that applies to your event. Due to the volume of applications at certain times of the year, we respectfully ask for a minimum of two weeks notice. Generally, the sooner we are advised of your event, the sooner we can secure your preferred date and time. Please refer to the calendar of upcoming events to avoid conflicts with previously scheduled activities. All events must conform to the "Legislative Precinct Regulation".

 Contact (Mandatory Information is indicated with a * )



(E.g. Dr., Mr., Mrs.)

*First Name:

*Last Name:


(include area code)


(include area code)








 Event Information


*Name of Event:


Sponsoring Organization/Individual:

*Person Responsible on-site:

On-site Phone:

(include area code)

Sponsoring Organization/Individual Address:





*Type of Event:

Estimated Total Attendance: people


Please Note: the front lawns of the Parliament Buildings are now closed due to weather conditions and will re-open next Spring.

Area of Precinct Requested
     (subject to availability)

     (subject to availability)

*Event Date & Time (Check Calendar for Availability):

*Event Date:
*Start time:
*End time:



Other Requests/Questions:

The information collected will be used to determine the impact of this request on the Legislative Grounds and on other individuals using them. If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of this information please contact the Public Education & Outreach office at 250-387-8669.