Office of the Comptroller General
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The Office of the Comptroller General is responsible for the overall quality and integrity of the government's financial management and control systems.

The Office of the Comptroller General has five branches:

Financial Management Branch develops and implements financial management and general administrative policies for government.

Financial Reporting and Advisory Services prepares and publishes the province's financial statements, including the Public Accounts, champions improvements in common accounting approaches across government.

Internal Audit and Advisory Services examines the adequacy of internal financial and management controls throughout government.

Corporate Compliance and Controls Monitoring Branch and Corporate Operations (includes Legal Encumbrance Section) provides a risk-based compliance review program to improve the efficiency and economy of internal controls, processes encumbered payments due to third party demands, and provides administrative and financial support for programs and initiatives undertaken by the Office of the Comptroller General.

Procurement Governance Office develops government procurement policies to promote fair and open procurement.

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