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Public Accounts for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2006 (PDF )
Includes the entire Volume of the Public Accounts as printed in the paper version, including a convenient live index to aid in navigating the electronic document.

Public Accounts 2005/06

Portions of this volume are available below as separate, smaller pdf files:

  • Notice of Change—correction to contractual obligations Note 25(d) (PDF 30 KB)
  • Provincial Financial Reporting Overview—provides a written commentary on the numbers reported in the Summary Financial Statements plus additional information on the financial performance of the government. (PDF 1,650 KB)
  • Summary Financial Statements—these statements have been prepared to disclose the economic impact of the government's activities. They aggregate the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) and government organizations and enterprises. (PDF 2,113 KB)
  • Supplementary Information (Unaudited)—these schedules provide additional information on the total revenues and expenses of the Health Care and Education Sectors and their impact on the Summary Financial Statements. (PDF 407 KB)
  • Consolidated Revenue Fund Extracts (Unaudited)these schedules provide additional information on the revenues and expenses and transactions of the CRF. (PDF 391 KB)
  • Provincial Debt Summarythis information provides additional analysis, comparison with other standards augmented by graph tables. (PDF 724 KB)

Supplementary Information

  • Consolidated Revenue Fund Supplementary Schedulesthis section contains schedules which support the information presented in the province's Consolidated Revenue Fund Financial Statements, including details of expenses by ministerial appropriations, together with an analysis of statutory appropriations and Special Accounts and Special Funds transactions. (PDF 2,043 KB)

  • Consolidated Revenue Fund Detailed Schedules of Paymentsthis section contains detailed schedules of salaries, wages, travel expenses, grants and other payments. (PDF 9,297 KB) An addendum of Purchasing Card Payments is also included. (PDF 103,301 KB)
  • Legislative Assembly Paymentsthis report contains supplier, salary and travel payments made on behalf of the Legislative Assembly. Any questions concerning the information provided should be referred to the Office of the Legislative Comptroller. (PDF 49 KB)
  • Schedule of Public DebtPursuant to Section 70(2) of the Financial Administration Act, 1996 (PDF 83 KB)

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