Budget '95

Note: The electronic version of the following Budget '95 documents are for informational purposes only. The printed versions of these documents remain the official versions. The documents available in Adobe Portable Document Format require special software for viewing.

E-mail address: Budget_feedback@gco5.pb.gov.bc.ca

Budget '95 Highlights

The highlights are also available in an Adobe PDF (152K) version.

Budget '95 Speech

The speech is also available in an Adobe PDF (271K) version.

Title Page


Economic Review and Outlook

A Strong Fiscal Foundation
Eliminating the Deficit
Progress to Date
A Balanced Budget for 1995/96
Managing Government Debt
Debt Management Plan
Cutting the Cost of Government
Leading by Example
Improving Public Sector Bargaining
New Initiatives to Cut Wasteful Spending

Affordable Investments in British Columbia's Future
Education and Skills for the Real World
Investing in the Natural Resources of B.C.'s Regions
Investing in Infrastructure for Private Sector Growth

Protecting Universal Medicare


Budget '95 Reports

The reports are also available in an Adobe PDF (415K) version.

Budget '95 Fact Sheets

Taxation Bulletins

Copyright © 1995: Queen's Printer, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada