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Property Assessment Appeal Board

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Welcome to the Property Assessment Appeal Board website.

The Board resolves appeals of assessments across British Columbia. There are two levels of appeal in BC. You first must appeal to the Property Assessment Review Panel. The Board and this website only deal with the second level.


Property Assessment Appeals:

If you disagree with the Property Assessment Review Panel's decision on your property assessment you can submit an appeal to the Board. Most commonly, the Board deals with:

  • Is the property assessed at actual (market) value?
  • Is the property properly classified?
  • Does the property qualify for a tax exemption?

For more detailed information on property assessment appeals, click here.

Parking Site Appeals:

In 2006, the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (TransLink) established a Parking Site tax in their jurisdiction.

If you disagree with the Property Assessment Review Panel's decision on your parking site you can submit an appeal to the Board.

For more detailed information on parking site appeals, click here.

NOTE: If you disagree with the Review Panel's decision on both your property assessment and parking site you must file two separate appeals to the Board. The deadlines and appeal steps are, however, the same for both types of appeals.

Board's Mandate:

The Board is independent from the Review Panels, government, BC Assessment and TransLink. An effective appeal system is critical to maintain confidence in the accuracy and integrity of the assessment and parking site rolls.

Our objectives are:

  • To resolve appeals justly and consistently, in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness and natural justice.
  • To complete appeals as quickly as possible, at minimum cost to all parties.

If you need personal assistance, please contact us at:

Property Assessment Appeal Board
10 – 10551 Shellbridge Way
Richmond, BC, V6X 2W9
Phone: 604 775-1740
Toll free: 1-888-775-1740
Fax: 604 775-1742
Email: office@paab.bc.ca



1)   May 23, 2007 -
The Board has released its 2006 Annual Report.
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2)   March 22, 2007 -
The Board has released its 2005 Annual Report.
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3)   Mar 22, 2007 -
The BC Government, effective March 15, 2007, appointed Eric Hayne and Wayne Morson to the Board. You can view a summary of their backgrounds by clicking here.

4)   May 4, 2006 -
Practice Directive on disclosure expectations relevant to commercial appeals
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5)   Feb 21, 2006 -
Memo re Statements of Issues, Evidence and Analysis in commercial appeals
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