Site Index

This webpage provides a comprehensive, alphabetic listing of the Ministry's website. If you are searching for a specific document, try our Reports and Publications section. Alternatively search the Ministry's website directly.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N

 | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |


Aboriginal Education – Provides links to information, advice and resources for Aboriginal students and educators.

About the Ministry - An overview of the ministry's organizational structure and links to branch websites.

Accountability Framework - A results-based accountability framework for the public post-secondary system. The framework has two purposes: to benefit students by ensuring they receive quality education and educational opportunities, and to benefit all residents of the province by ensuring the public post-secondary system's ongoing contribution to social and economic development.

Achieve BC - Brings together the latest educational tools and information for promoting learning and achievement in early childhood, grade school, post-secondary education and the world of work.

Advanced Education Media Acquisitions Centre - Supports the teaching and learning requirements of the B.C. public post-secondary system by making media materials available in a cost-effective and responsive manner.

Adult Education - An overview of adult education programs provided by the Ministry of Advanced Education, with links to adult basic education, adult special education, adult literacy and English as a second language.

Adult Basic Education - Information on programs for adults to develop basic skills and obtain vocational training.

Adult Literacy - The provincial government funds community organizations that help adults improve their literacy and numeracy skills. This website contains links to information that literacy practitioners need to know about adult literacy programs and resources in British Columbia, as well as grant applications for the Community Adult Literacy Program.

Adult Special Education - Information on education for adults with disabilities.

Aerospace Strategy - Defines the provincial government's vision to expand and enhance the enrolment and graduation of an appropriately trained workforce in the aerospace industry.


B.C. Council on Admissions and Transfer - Develops policies to facilitate successful admission and transfer of students within the British Columbia post-secondary education system.

B.C. College and Institute Library Service - Provides information services in alternate formats for B.C. post-secondary students who cannot use conventional print because of visual, learning or physical disabilities.

Being an Informed Student - Helps prospective students to find the programs and institutions that suit their educational goals.

Board Appointments - The Ministry of Advanced Education helps co-ordinate post-secondary institutional and professional board appointments in consultation with the Board Resourcing and Development Office.

British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund - Designed to build B.C.’s research infrastructure, enhancing business opportunities and helping organizations develop and grow with a changing economy.

British Columbia Student Assistance Program Online Application System - Allows students to apply for financial assistance over the Internet.

Budget and Accountability Letters – Sent by the ministry every year to public post-secondary institutions, outlining their operating budget allocations, service delivery targets and priority issues. The letters are a component of ministry planning, as identified in the accountability framework.


Capital Planning – Gives public post-secondary institutions easy access to materials needed for capital planning and project delivery, including detailed information, forms and tools such as the capital asset reference guide, capital projects, space standards, environmental guidelines and access to the facility inventory system.

Career Planning and Labour Market Information - A wide range of online career and labour market resources to help students, career explorers or job seekers making education, training and employment transitions.

Centre for Curriculum Transfer and Technology - A listing of resources, programs, websites and listservs that were previously held with the centre.

Centre for Education Information Standards and Services - A listing of resources, programs, websites and listservs that were previously held with the centre.

Colleges and University Colleges Branch - Provides direction, leadership and support to 12 public colleges, three public university colleges and the Knowledge Network.

Co-operative Education - An overview of co-operative education and a point of contact for further information.


Data Warehouse (See Post-secondary Central Data Warehouse)

Degree Granting in B.C.- Information on the Degree Quality Assessment Board and the process for private or out-of-province public institutions to apply for consent to provide degree programs or use the word “university” in British Columbia. The site also provides information on the review criteria for new degree programs proposed by B.C.’s public post-secondary institutions.


Electronic Library Network - A partnership between the Province of British Columbia and its post-secondary libraries. The network’s purpose is to develop, promote and maintain system-wide mechanisms that allow post-secondary libraries to meet the expanding information needs of the province's learners and educators.

English as a Second Language - Language instruction at the basic, intermediate and advanced levels for British Columbians whose first language is not English. This website provides information on these programs at public post-secondary education institutions across the province.


Facilities Inventory System – A computerized inventory of all the rooms, buildings, lands and campuses for each college and institute in the British Columbia post-secondary system.

Funding and Analysis Branch - Provides operating grants, targets for student full-time equivalents, and capital asset management to British Columbia’s public post-secondary institutions.


Governance Branch - Provides leadership, expertise and support to ensure the ministry’s and government’s priorities advance at the provincial and federal/provincial intergovernmental levels.

Grants – A list of grants administered by the Student Services Branch.


Information and Data Management Branch – Co-ordinates and manages the ministry's data sources, including the Central Data Warehouse, student outcomes surveys and multi-year planning. The branch provides labour market analysis and research and develops career planning information for a variety of audiences.

Institutional Funding - Information on post-secondary institutions' funding.

Institutional Quarterly Reporting – Financial reports submitted by post-secondary institutions to the ministry each quarter, which are used to prepare government's key financial reports.

Institutional Service Plans - Post-secondary institutions' service plans.

International Education - An overview of B.C.’s internationally recognized education system, details about programs and institutions, contact information, and requirements for studying in Canada.


Labour Market Information (See Career Planning and Labour Market Information)

Leading Edge Endowment Fund - In partnership with the private sector, establishes leadership chairs at public post-secondary institutions across the province in such fields as medical, social, environmental and technological research.

Learning Programs Branch - Responsible for Aboriginal education, developmental programs and international education.

Legislation - A listing of the legislation the Ministry of Advanced Education is responsible for.

Loan Forgiveness Program - Designed to provide British Columbia Student Loan forgiveness to graduates from accredited post-secondary educational institutions in various professions who agree to work in publicly funded facilities in underserved areas of British Columbia.


Medical Training Expansion - Overview of the collaboration between three B.C. universities that has increased the number of medical training spaces.


News Releases - News about a variety of advanced education topics.

Non-degree Program Proposal Approval Process - Information on the process for reviewing new non-degree programs offered at British Columbia public colleges, university colleges and institutes.

Nursing Strategy - A new program for nursing practitioners to improve health services by expanding the range of health professionals to care for patients.


Oil and Gas Training and Education - An overview of B.C.'s strategy for oil and gas education and training programs, the Oil and Gas Training and Education Consortium and related press releases.


Policy and System Quality Branch - Responsible for overall system policy and quality assurance of the post-secondary education system in British Columbia. It is system liaison for the private post-secondary education sector, provides secretariat support to the Degree Quality Assessment Board, and offers policy advice on sector labour relations.

Post-secondary Central Data Warehouse - Reflects student level data submitted by the 22 institutions in B.C.'s public college, university-college, institute and agency sector.

Post-secondary Education Division - Manages overall funding and program co-ordination for the public post-secondary education system and provides co-ordination and support to B.C.’s private post-secondary education system.

Post-secondary Institutions Map - Map of all public post-secondary institution campuses in B.C.

Post-secondary Institutions Overview - A listing of website links for all the public post-secondary institutions around the province.

Post-secondary Institution Proposal System - A Web-based application for the submission and review of degree program proposals, applications for exempt status, and use of the word “university.”

Premier's Technology Council - Provides advice to the Premier on all technology-related issues facing British Columbia and its residents.

Prior Learning Assessment - Allows students to earn credit toward a course or program offered by a post-secondary institution if they can show, through a systematic and valid assessment process, that the learning is equivalent to that normally acquired through conventional study at the post-secondary level.

Private Career Training - Regulated by the Private Career Training Institutions Agency, which is responsible for the registration and accreditation of private career training institutions.

Private Post-secondary Education - Outlines the recent changes to the way private post-secondary institutions are regulated in B.C. and provides information for students interested in attending a private institution.


Reports and Publications - A comprehensive listing of the ministry's online publications and reports.

Research, Technology and Innovation Division - Houses the Research and Innovation Branch and is responsible for leading the provincial commitment to research, innovation, and technology.

Research and Innovation Branch - Leads the provincial commitment to research, innovation and technology. This commitment will improve the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of British Columbians.

Research (Post-secondary) - The ministry offers support and direction to many areas of post-secondary research. This website provides an overview of the institutional and government-sponsored research.

Resources and Links - Links to post-secondary education organizations and resources.


Scholarships and Awards - Links to scholarships and awards administered by the Student Services Branch.

Service Plans - Outline the ministry's vision, mission, values and mandate. A service plan sets out goals and strategic objectives for the ministry, and outlines key initiatives, performance measures, targets and accountability.

Student Financial Aid - Grant and loan information for new and returning students.

Student Outcome Surveys - An annual survey of former students of British Columbia's public university colleges, colleges and institutes.

Student Services Branch - Responsible for managing provincial and federal student financial aid programs for eligible B.C. students.

Student Spaces - Between 2004 and 2010, 25,000 new student spaces are being added at colleges, university-colleges, universities and institutes across the province.

Student Transitions Project - A collaborative effort of the Ministry of Advanced Education, the Ministry of Education and British Columbia's public post-secondary education institutions. Student data is linked to analyse student transitions and outcomes from the kindergarten-to-Grade 12 system, to and within the public post-secondary education system.

Students and Learning Division - Responsible for intergovernmental issues; legislation; performance accountability, measurement and reporting; data management, analysis and dissemination; and planning and managing transitions within the post-secondary education system.

Students with Disabilities - Information on student financial assistance for students with permanent disabilities.


The University Presidents' Council of British Columbia - Represents the interests of the five public universities in British Columbia. Its mandate is to identify issues facing the universities, provide system-wide leadership in developing relevant public policy, and communicate on behalf of the university system.

Tourism and Hospitality - Information on the ministry's Tourism and Hospitality Education and Training strategy, consortium, and programs.

Tuition Fees - Information on government's policy to limit fee increases to the rate of inflation to ensure higher education is affordable for both students and taxpayers.


Universities and Institutes Branch - The Universities and Institutes Branch provides direction, leadership and support to six public universities and five public provincial institutes.


Vendor Complaint Review Process - Information for vendors who may have a complaint with a ministry contract competition, contract award or proposed contract award.



Youth Community Action - Information on tuition credit redemption for Youth Community Action participants.