Minister's Photo Gallery

Advanced Education Minister tours B.C. campuses

Minister joins celebration of technology park’s economic impact
December 1, 2006

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Vancouver Island Technology Park delivered a major boost to Vancouver Island in 2005 by generating more than 2,000 jobs and $280 million in direct, indirect and induced revenue, according to a new economic impact study. Gathered to celebrate are, from left: David Turpin, president, University of Victoria; Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources and MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands; Richard Glickman, CEO, Aspreva Pharmaceuticals; Murray Coell, Minister of Advanced Education and minister responsible for research and technology; Frank Leonard, mayor of Saanich; Troy Griffiths, president, Vigil Health Solutions; and Dale Gann, vice-president of technology parks, UVic.    

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From left: Dale Gann, vice-president of technology parks, University of Victoria; David Turpin, president, UVic; Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources and MP for Saanich-Gulf Islands; Troy Griffiths, CEO, Vigil Health Solutions; Murray Coell, Minister of Advanced Education and minister responsible for research and technology; and Frank Leonard, mayor of Saanich. They were gathered to announce  the results of Vancouver Island Technology Park’s economic impact study.

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Province signs new education agreement with China
November 20, 2006

Premier Gordon Campbell and Chinese Minister of Education Zhou Ji meet in Beijing for the signing of a new MOU that will see expanded co-operation on post-secondary education and research opportunities.

[News release]

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Minister announces B.C.’s first regional innovation chair
November 15, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, left, and regional innovation chair recipient George Penfold at the event announcing the B.C. Regional Innovation Chair in Rural Economic Development. Provincial government funding, through the Leading Edge Endowment Fund, has contributed to the creation of this $2.5-million endowed chair at Selkirk College. Its research will help the West Kootenay Boundary region reach its full economic potential.

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B.C. spinal cord research facility under construction
November 7, 2006

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The golden shovels mark the spot where a state-of-the-art, $45-million research facility that will take spinal cord research beyond what is currently possible anywhere in the world is officially under construction at Vancouver General Hospital. ICORD, which stands for International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries, will share the Blusson Pavilion, with the VGH Spine Centre and the Rick Hansen Foundation. From left: Vancouver-Burrard MLA Lorne Mayencourt; Health Minister George Abbott; Premier Gordon Campbell; Marilyn Blusson; Rick Hansen, president and CEO, Rick Hansen Foundation; Dr. John Steeves, ICORD director; Dr. Stewart Blusson and Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell.

[News release]

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Minister celebrates present and future researchers
November 6, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell joins school district science fair winners and innovators at the BC Innovation Council awards dinner, where the innovative spirit of British Columbia’s technology entrepreneurs and business people was acknowledged. The minister, who is responsible for research and technology (front row, centre), is flanked on the left by Patti Leigh, executive director, Science Fair Foundation BC; and Dr. David Dolphin, chief executive officer, BC Innovation Council. To the right of the minister: Hector MacKay-Dunn, chair, BC Innovation Council; and Cindy Lum, chief operating officer, BC Innovation Council.

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell speaks at the BC Innovation Council awards dinner at the Fairmont Hotel in Vancouver. The BC Innovation Council is the key agency responsible for advancing innovation and commercialization in British Columbia.

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Drs. Hannah Piper (left) and Emily Piper accept the B.C. Science & Technology Champion of the Year Award on behalf of their mother, Dr. Martha Piper, past president of the University of British Columbia. Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell makes the presentation.

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Minister opens Campus 2020 symposium
October 31, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, right, discusses the future of post-secondary education in B.C. with Andrew Ramlo, director of the Urban Futures Institute, who was a keynote speaker at the first day of the Campus 2020 provincial symposium. Led by special adviser Geoff Plant, who is travelling around the province inviting input from British Columbians, Campus 2020 is a planning process that will shape the vision, mission, goals and objectives of B.C.’s post-secondary system for the next 10 to 20 years.

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Minister announces $4.5M marine ecosystem chair
October 18, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, second from left, looks at ROPOS, Canada’s world-class deep research sub, while professor Kim Juniper, right, describes how the sub works. Juniper will hold the new B.C. Leadership Chair in Marine Ecosystems and Global Change at the University of Victoria. Provincial government funding, through the Leading Edge Endowment Fund has contributed to the creation of this endowed chair that will take environmental research to new levels. Left to right: UVic vice-president research Martin Taylor, Coell, Environment Minister Barry Penner and Juniper.

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Minister of Advanced Education Murray Coell speaks at an event announcing the B.C. Leadership Chair in Marine Ecosystems and Global Change at the University of Victoria. The $4.5-million chair, funded by a $2.25-million investment from the Province’s Leading Edge Endowment Fund, will use NEPTUNE and VENUS, two undersea ocean-monitoring observatories, led by the University of Victoria, to track the impact of climate and environmental changes.

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Ministers launch AskAway virtual reference library
October 17, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell and Education Minister Shirley Bond demonstrate how easy it is to use AskAway, a virtual reference library service designed to allow post-secondary students and other British Columbians to get information from a librarian in real time using a simple live chat format on their computers. The service allows students to access research materials no matter where they live in the province.

[News release]

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell and Education Minister Shirley Bond at the launch of the AskAway virtual reference library service. Special software allows over 260 librarians in 70 public and 20 post-secondary institutions to take turns covering shifts to help students, parents, workers, job-seekers, or anyone with Internet access.

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Minister speaks at awards lunch for engineers, geoscientists
October 14, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, front row, second from left, joins the 2006/07 council of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C. before giving the keynote speech to a luncheon following APEGBC’s annual general meeting at the Victoria Conference Centre. Pictured with the minister, from left: front row:  Bob Ito (past president), the minister, Timothy Smith (president), Steve Graham, (vice- president) and Margaret Li, council member. Centre row: councillors Russ Kinghorn, Philippe Kruchten, Lee Failing, Kevin Turner, Marilyn Pattison (government appointee) and Emily Cheung. Back row: councillors Janet Benjamin, Lindsay Bottomer, Guy Lemieux, Lawrence Woo (government appointee) and Jeff Holm.

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Minister opens UVic engineering and computer science building
October 2, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, left, and University of Victoria president David Turpin unveil a plaque at the opening of UVic’s Engineering/Computer Science Building, which will enable enrolment to double in some high-demand programs. The Province invested $22 million in creating state-of-the-art classrooms and labs to help make room for 587 new student spaces in computer science and electrical and computer engineering.

[News release]

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, left, and University of Victoria president David Turpin shake hands at the opening of UVic’s Engineering/Computer Science Building, built by a partnership between the university and the Province. The 8,975-square-metre technology building houses lecture theatres, teaching labs, research labs, graduate student offices, administrative and academic support space, faculty offices and co-operative education space. UVic is contributing $3 million to the total project cost of $25 million.

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Minister of Advanced Education Murray Coell tries out an e-drum at the opening of UVic’s Engineering/Computer Science building, while UVic president David Turpin, left, looks on, and George Tzanetakis, an assistant professor in the department of computer engineering, works the keyboard. The e-drum’s computerized “virtual” body allows musicians to experience a wide variety of drum sounds, from  metallic to wooden.

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Kwantlen University College opens renovated Building D
September 26, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell speaks at the official opening of an expanded and updated academic building at Kwantlen University College’s Surrey campus. Building D is the first building to be opened as part of the Surrey campus expansion project. The Province invested $4.4 million for the expansion of the building, which will add 1,260 square metres of space, including classroom and academic support space for an estimated 390 students and faculty.

[News release]

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, right, and Kwantlen University College president Skip Triplett unveil a plaque celebrating the $4.4-million expansion of Building D. The expanded and updated building is one of three buildings in the $35.6 million Surrey Campus Phase III expansion project. The other two projects, to expand Building C and renovate the library, should be ready for students in 2007. The project will increase the Surrey campus academic and support space by more than 40 per cent, or 11,000 square metres.

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Simon Fraser University Kamloops convocation ceremonies
September 15, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell congratulates 17 graduates of the SFU Kamloops program, which provides post-secondary education from a First Nations perspective through a partnership agreement with the Kamloops Indian band. Various degrees, diplomas and certificates are completed at the Kamloops campus and are fully accredited through SFU in Burnaby. Over 350 people have received credentials through the program over the last 17 years.

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SFU Surrey celebrates campus opening
September 8, 2006

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Premier Gordon Campbell speaks at the opening of Simon Fraser University’s new campus in Surrey, which gives students in B.C.’s fastest-growing region access to a world-class university that will also support the local and provincial economies through innovative research and teaching. The Province invested $70 million in the state-of-the-art campus.

[News release]

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell addresses the audience at a gala dinner held to celebrate the opening of SFU Surrey. The minister applauded the university for its history of innovation, and thanked the many donors who have supported SFU’s new campus.

[Minister’s speech]

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SFU president Michael Stevenson, left, and Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, with the plaque commemorating the opening of the university’s Surrey campus. SFU Surrey, which takes up about 30,000 square metres in the Central City development at 13450 – 102 Ave., is expected to enrol the equivalent of 2,500 full-time students by 2010, and will receive 1,850 of the 25,000 new student spaces being funded by government over six years.

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SFU chancellor Brandt C. Louie, left, and Premier Gordon Campbell share a quiet conversation at the opening ceremonies of the university’s new Surrey campus. SFU Surrey is one of five new campuses government is adding around the province to accommodate the expansion of the post-secondary system and give more students access to advanced education closer to home.

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Crown Land transferred to UNBC
July 20, 2006

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Premier Gordon Campbell, front left, and University of Northern British Columbia president Don Cozzetto sign an agreement to transfer 248 hectares of Crown land to the university for research, teaching and use in Nordic sports, nearly doubling the size of the Prince George campus. The Lheidli T'enneh reached the agreement for the land within their traditional territory with the Province, the university and the City of Prince George. They are accompanied by, from left, Agriculture and Lands Minister Pat Bell, Lheidli T'enneh Chief Dominic Frederick, Education Minister Shirley Bond, Prince George Mayor Colin Kinsley, Aboriginal and Reconciliation Minister Tom Christensen, and Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell.

[News release]   [Premier's speech]

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Premier Gordon Campbell points to the land transfer area which was originally earmarked for UNBC's use but was not officially part of the Prince George campus. UNBC uses the land as an outdoor lab for teaching and research in area vital to the North, such as ways to combat the mountain pine beetle.

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From left, Premier Gordon Campbell, Education Minister Shirley Bond, Prince George-Omineca MLA John Rustad, Agriculture and Lands Minister Pat Bell and Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell stand in front of a map showing the land transferred to UNBC. The area also contains a greenway corridor and trail system, which will continue to be open to the public. The trail system will also be used for athletic training in connection with the new Northern Sport Centre.

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Province launches Campus 2020: Thinking Ahead
July 17, 2006

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Premier Gordon Campbell, right, and Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell at the launch of Campus 2020, designed to make the most of the government’s new investments in post-secondary education with innovative approaches to meet the needs of students and the economy. One of the areas of focus will be support for lifelong learning in the academic, technical, skills training and continuing education realms.

[News release]

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Premier Gordon Campbell announces that former attorney general Geoff Plant will be special adviser for Campus 2020, which will provide the leadership framework that will guide government’s actions in building on B.C.’s post-secondary system for the future. Plant will seek input from students, public and private educational institutions, Aboriginal and multicultural organizations and labour and business. He will also draw on the work of international experts who have agreed to draft white papers on key issues like nternational post-secondary education, Aboriginal education, trades and skills training, e-learning and technology.

[Premier’s speech]

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Taylor Fru, left, wields a jigsaw as she gets to work on the chassis of one of the go-carts she and other girls from grades 6, 7 and 8 are building at the B.C. Institute of Technology. She’s watched by Mika Speed, right, and Premier Gordon Campbell, who joined the girls at their summer trades exploration camp for the launch of Campus 2020, which will help map the future of post-secondary education in B.C. to ensure it meets the needs of students like Mika and Taylor.

[News release]

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Skills competition winners celebrated in Victoria
July 6, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, centre right, and Education Minister Shirley Bond, centre left, are surrounded by British Columbia’s medalists from Skills Canada’s national skills competition. Some of B.C.’s 29 secondary and post-secondary winners attended a lunch in Victoria to celebrate their awards. Medals included awards for excellence in 3-D animation, aircraft maintenance, hairdressing, Internet website design and TV/video production.

[News release]

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Pan-Canadian Forum on Adult Literacy creates action plan
June 19 - 20, 2006

Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, front row ninth from right, sits in the Wintergarden at the University of Northern British Columbia with adult literacy policy experts and stakeholders from across Canada. The delegates met in Prince George for a two-day national adult literacy forum sponsored by the Province, and the Council of Ministers of Education Canada, where they attended workshops and shared strategies to significantly increase literacy skill levels in Canada.

[News release]  [Minister’s speech]

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell addresses delegates to the adult literacy forum held at the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George. More than 150 policy experts and literacy stakeholders discussed solutions to low literacy skills, which affect 40 per cent of adult learners.

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell presents a gift on behalf of the Province to Barry Brooks, director for lifelong learning at Tribal Consulting in the United Kingdom. Brooks spoke to delegates at the Adult Literacy Forum about the U.K.'s successful "Skills for Life" national strategy for improving the literacy, language and numeracy skills of young people and adults, which he designed and implemented.

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A successful day at the Adult Literacy Forum wraps up with dinner for the speakers and delegates. From left: Barry Brooks, director for lifelong learning at Tribal Consulting in the United Kingdom; Informetrica Limited chair and CEO Michael C. McCracken; Vanessa Little, general manager of Hume Learning Community in Melbourne, Australia; Council of Ministers of Education, Canada director-general Raymond Theberge; B.C. Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell; Manitoba Advanced Education Minister Diane McGifford; and B.C.’s deputy minister of advanced education, Moura Quayle.

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Province bids fond farewell to Piper
June 5, 2006

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Premier Gordon Campbell, right, Dr. Martha Piper and Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell celebrate the achievements of Piper, who retires this year after being president of the University of British Columbia for nine years. Under her leadership, UBC has become a prestigious university, both nationally and globally.

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Minister addresses UNBC convocation
May 26, 2006

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Prince George Mayor Colin Kinsley, left, sits beside Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell at the University of Northern B.C.’s convocation ceremonies. This year’s grads included the first to complete their degrees in biochemistry and molecular biology, a new program created only a few years ago that is already one of UNBC’s most popular majors.

[Minister’s speech]

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Minister celebrates reopening of Chemistry North Building at UBC
May 23, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, left, displays a plaque celebrating the $10-million refurbishing of UBC Vancouver’s Chemistry North building, which dates back to the 1960s. With Coell, from left: Geoff Atkins, UBC associate vice-president, land and building services; and Grant Ingram, dean of the faculty of science. The provincially funded project, which included seismic upgrades, research and administrative space reconfiguration and health and safety improvements, was completed through UBC Renew, a partnership between the university and the provincial government.

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Minister visits Selkirk College to open aviation training centre
May 5, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell (centre) takes part in a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating the opening of Selkirk College’s new $2-million professional aviation training centre at the Castlegar Airport. Also taking part in the ceremony, from left: aviation student Colten Sketsch, college president Marilyn Luscombe, student Jason Essaunce, Mayor of Castlegar Lawrence Chernoff, vice-chair of college board Christian Schadendorf, and students David Manning and Travis Plain.

[News release]

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Minister Coell (second from right) tours Selkirk College’s Centre for Peace. The centre, a restored Doukhobor communal house built in the early 20th century, overlooks the confluence of the Kootenay and Columbia rivers. The mandate of the centre is understanding and building cultures of peace through education. Also on the tour, from left: Liana Zwick, human rights adviser for the college, on-staff carpenter Raymond Dube, president Marilyn Luscombe, Neil Coburn, dean of the school of university arts and sciences, and J.J. Verigin, board member and head of the Union of Spiritual Churches of Christ.

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Minister signs agreements at joint Alberta-B.C. cabinet meeting
April 28, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, centre, is flanked by Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon (left) and Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Minister Richard Neufeld, at the joint Alberta-B.C. cabinet meeting in Edmonton. Coell signed two agreements on behalf of B.C. One established a steering committee to look at post-secondary education issues such as joint marketing of international education programming. The other promotes an integrated, collaborative approach to energy research, development and innovation.

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, right, signs a memorandum of understanding with Denis Herard, Alberta’s Minister of Education, at the joint Alberta-B.C. cabinet meeting in Edmonton, as other members of the two cabinets look on. The agreement, one of two signed by Coell, supports co-operation in research and information sharing, and developing common approaches to improving quality and access.

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$4M for cancer research chair at UBC
April 24 , 2006

Premier Gordon Campbell announces a $4-million endowment for a research chair at the University of B.C. in the primary prevention of cancer. Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell (right) and Leonard Schein (centre), chair of regional advisory committee of the B.C./Yukon division of the Canadian Cancer Society, also spoke at the announcement. The chair, funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education with an additional contribution from the cancer society, will help develop a national prevention strategy by researching the links between diet, exercise, body weight, stress, and environmental carcinogens to specific types of cancer.

[News release]

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Minister breaks ground for new science building
March 15, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell (back centre) and student nurse Lori Pate (left) prepare to help break ground for the expansion of the David Lam campus at Douglas College. From left, Douglas College president Susan Witter, board chair Diana Miles, Port Moody-Westwood MLA Iain Black and Coquitlam city councillor Brent Asmundson, who also took part in ceremony. The new science building will provide an additional 9,720 square metres of space to house classrooms, nursing labs, science labs, computer labs and academic support space. It is expected to open in January 2008.

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Minister approves new degree at Kwantlen University College
March 14, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell (centre) signs a letter approving Kwantlen University College’s newest degree program, a bachelor of psychiatric nursing. Kwantlen University College president Skip Triplett (left), community and health studies dean Maxine Mott (right), and members of the nursing faculty (background) join the minister for the announcement at the nursing lab on the Surrey campus.

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, left, tours the horticultural facility at Kwantlen University College’s Langley campus with dean of sciences Brian Carr. The minister also visited Kwantlen’s campuses in Surrey and Richmond.

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$6.8m towards building benefits UBC students
March 3, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, centre, UBC president Martha Piper and faculty of applied science dean Michael Isaacson unveil a commemorative plaque at the opening of the $38-million chemical and biological engineering building at UBC’s Vancouver campus. The Ministry of Advanced Education contributed $6.8 million towards the state-of-the-art facility, which consolidates the department from seven different locations on campus and increases classroom space by 28 per cent.

[News release]

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Minister Coell (centre), deputy minister Moura Quayle, and Dick Auchinleck, former president and CEO of Gulf Canada (far right), tour the pilot-plant laboratory in UBC’s chemical and biological engineering building following its official opening. Kevin Smith, head of the department of chemical and biological engineering, explains how technical equipment in the lab is used in experiments for undergraduate programs.

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Irving K. Barber B.C. Scholarship announced
January 30, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell thanks Slocan Forest Products founder Ike Barber, seated, in background, for his generous donations to post-secondary education in B.C. after Barber announced details of a scholarship in his name that awards $5,000 to exceptional students transferring from one B.C. public post-secondary institution to another to finish their degrees. The scholarship is supported by a $15-million endowment funded by the provincial government.

[News release]

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20th Premier's Excellence Awards presented
January 28, 2006

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Premier Gordon Campbell presented the province's top graduating students in 2005 with the 20th annual Premier's Excellence Awards, which give the recipients each a $15,000 scholarship to pursue post-secondary studies in B.C.

Front row, seated (left to right): Sheldon Clark, Justin Basinger, Stephen McCarthy, Scott de Wynter-Wilkie, Matthew Church, Bryan Lee and Geoffrey Burton.
Back row, standing (left to right): aide-de-camp Lieutenant Nicole Rondeau, Chantell Darroch, Hilary Clauson, Kayli Johnson, Julia Baumann, the Premier, Lt.-Gov. Iona Campagnolo, Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, Sarah Hutchinson, Launny Lowden, Merry Gong, Sarena Talbot and Alysson Marshall.

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North Cariboo Community Campus Opens
January 26, 2006

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, front row fourth from right, cuts the ribbon to open the North Cariboo Community Campus in Quesnel. With the minister are, from left: CNC board member Debbie Quick; University of Northern B.C. regional director Blanca Schorct (holding ribbon); College of New Caledonia president Ralph Troschke; North Cariboo Community Campus Society member Mary Glassford; CNC board chair Art Robin; UNBC president Charles Jago; Quesnel mayor Nate Bello; and CNC regional director Betsy Ives (holding ribbon).

[News release]

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Recipient named for B.C. Leadership Chair in Depression Research
Nov. 18, 2005

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, right, at the event announcing the B.C. Leadership Chair in Depression Research at the University of British Columbia. Provincial government funding, through the Leading Edge Endowment Fund has contributed to the creation of this endowed chair that will research new and innovative treatments for depression. With the minister, from left: Jack Blaney and Hassan Khosrowshahi, LEEF directors; Martha Salcudean, LEEF board chair; and the recipient of the chair, Dr. Allan Young. Depression is one of the most common and debilitating illnesses in Canada.

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Premier Gordon Campbell speaking at the event announcing that Dr. Allan Young has been awarded the B.C. Leadership Chair in Depression Research at UBC Vancouver. Depression is a profoundly painful, distressing disorder that can rarely be overcome without external help. It affects more than one million Canadians a year.

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, speaking at the announcement of Dr. Allan Young’s appointment to the B.C. Leadership Chair in Depression Research, as Premier Gordon Campbell looks on.

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Health research award winners named
Nov. 8, 2005

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell (left) meets with Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research scholar Dr. Nancy Forde at the 2005 awards ceremony held in Vancouver. The foundation and financial awards were named for Dr. Michael Smith, a renowned teacher and mentor who was awarded B.C.’s only Nobel Prize for his research to genetics. Forde’s award will allow her to continue her studies of the chemical and structural properties of collagen at Simon Fraser University.

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Minister Coell and foundation board chair Dr. Simon Sutcliffe (centre) congratulate 2005 scholar Dr. Carlo Marra (right) who studies cost effectiveness and patient outcomes in the health system. The Province has committed $100 million by 2008 to extend the foundation’s mandate and ensure B.C.’s researchers and scientists can undertake vital health research.

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Construction progress of new research facility prompts celebration
November 7, 2005

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell speaks at the construction celebration of a new interdisciplinary research facility at Simon Fraser University (in background, Stephen Owen, federal Minister of Economic Diversification and Minister of State-Sport, centre; and SFU president Michael Stevenson). The Technology and Science Complex Module 2, or TASC2, will house 4-D Labs, a new research centre for new materials and nanoscale devices; MITACS (Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems); and specialized labs and offices for the faculties of applied sciences, arts and social sciences, science and health sciences.

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Minister Coell discusses the interactive nanoscale lab model with students Corbin Giesbrecht (left) and Xin Zhang (right) at the construction celebration of a new interdisciplinary research facility at Simon Fraser University’s Burnaby Mountain campus.

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Cranes in the background mark the site of a new interdisciplinary research facility at Simon Fraser University. Attending a celebration of progress on the building, from left: Bill Krane, VP academic, SFU; John Nuraney, MLA, Burnaby-Willingdon; Michael Stevenson, president, SFU; Kevin Falcon, MLA, Surrey-Cloverdale; Murray Coell, Minister of Advanced Education; Stephen Owen, Minister of Economic Diversification and Minister of State-Sport; Ross Hill, executive director, 4D Labs; Mario Pinto, VP research, SFU; Simon Trudel, graduate student at 4D Labs.

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Guests at the celebration of the progress to date on SFU’s new Technology and Science Complex Module 2 stand behind a model of the complex. From left: Gary Leach, associate professor, director, photonic systems, 4D Labs; Michael Stevenson, president; Stephen Owen, Minister of Economic Diversification and Minister of State-Sport; Ross Hill, executive director, 4D Labs; Mario Pinto, VP research; Simon Trudel, graduate student at 4D Labs; Murray Coell, Minister of Advanced Education; and John Nuraney, MLA, Burnaby-Willingdon.

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Minister meets delegation from China Association for Science and Technology
November 2, 2005

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Minister Murray Coell, in his capacity as minister responsible for research and technology, meets with delegates from the China Association for Science and Technology, known as CAST. The delegation was in Victoria to discuss post-secondary education in B.C. and to explore opportunities for international co-operation in education. CAST is a non-profit, non-governmental organization of Chinese scientific and technological workers and serves as a driving force in developing China’s science and technology activities.

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Minister attends University Canada West opening
October 27, 2005

Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell addresses a full house gathered to celebrate the opening of University Canada West in Victoria. The private university, with degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels, is recognized through the British Columbia government's Degree Quality Assessment Board.

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Minister Coell, left, congratulates David Strong, president of University Canada West, B.C.’s newest private university. Strong was formerly president of the University of Victoria, one of three publicly funded universities in the city.

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Minister opens Island Tech 2005
October 21, 2005

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, third from right, cuts the ribbon to open Island Tech 2005, Vancouver Island’s showcase of technology and innovation. With the minister at the Victoria Conference Centre, from left: Colin How, president and CEO, How2Share Technologies; Leonard Brody, GrowthWorks; Dale Gann, Vancouver Island Technology Park vice-president; Eric Jordan; chair, VIATeC board of directors, Minister of Community Services Ida Chong; Richard Glickman, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Aspreva Pharmaceuticals; Dan Gunn, executive director, VIATeC; and Steve Wellburn, senior manager – tax, KPMG LLP (Victoria).

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Minister speaks at BC TIA Tech Forum luncheon
October 18, 2005

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell speaking at the B.C. Technology Industries Association’s Tech Forum luncheon at Vancouver’s Four Seasons Hotel. The BC TIA is a not-for-profit, member-funded organization that represents the technology industry of British Columbia.

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Minister addresses professional engineers and geoscientists
October 15, 2005

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell with the newly appointed council of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C. The ministry is responsible for the legislation governing engineers and geoscientists in this province. To the left of the minister is APEGBC’s immediate past president, Dennis McJunkin, and to the minister’s right is the new president, Bob Ito. Other members of the executive are vice-president Tim Smith, to the right of Ito, and executive director Anne Garrett.

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Minister Coell discusses the importance of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C. to the provincial economy, as well as to the safety and well being of its residents. The Ministry of Avanced Education is currently working to update the Engineers and Geoscientists Act that governs practicing engineers and geoscientists in B.C.

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Minister Coell listens to new president Bob Ito address the annual general meeting of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists in Vancouver.

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UBCO officially opens
September 8 , 2005

Premier Gordon Campbell speaks at the official opening of the new University of British Columbia Okanagan. Also pictured is Kelowna-Mission MLA Sindi Hawkins (back row, left) and in the front row (from left) is advanced education deputy minister Moura Quayle and UBC president Martha Piper.

[News release]

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Minister announces prostate cancer research chair
July 12, 2005
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Dr. Martin Gleave, left, and Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell at the event announcing that Gleave has been awarded the BC Leadership Chair in Prostate Cancer Research. Provincial government funding, through the Leading Edge Endowment Fund, has contributed to the creation of Canada's largest and most comprehensive prostate cancer research facility.

[News release]

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Speakers at the announcement of Dr. Martin Gleave's appointment to the BC Leadership Chair in Prostate Cancer Research. From left: Larry Goldenberg, Director, The Prostate Centre at VGH; Ted Ticknor, President & CEO, Mr. Lube Canada and prostate cancer patient; Ida Goodreau, President & CEO, Vancouver Coastal Health; UBC president Martha Piper; Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell; Martha Salcudean, chair of the Leading Edge Endowment Fund; and Gleave. Government funding through the Leading Edge Endowment Fund will allow the research team at the prostate centre to use very specific methods to administer cancer-killing therapies to targeted cells.

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Minister honours Skills Canada medallists
July 7, 2005
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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell (front row, third from right) stands on the Legislature steps with members of Team B.C., who came home with 22 medals from the 2005 Canadian skills competition in Edmonton last month. Also pictured are Education Minister Shirley Bond (right of Coell) and Minister of Community Services Ida Chong (left of Coell), as well as Nanaimo-Parksville MLA Ron Cantelon (front row, second from left). Team B.C. members were honoured at a medallist recognition ceremony at the Legislature.

[News release]

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New scholarship funding celebrated at UVic
June 30, 2005

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Advanced Education Minister Murray Coell, centre, chats with Marigold Vodden of England and University of Victoria president David Turpin at the announcement of a $3.6-million donation to UVic. Vodden is a cousin of Phyllis Summerhayes of Victoria, who left the money to UVic in her will; Vodden represented the Summerhayes family at the event. The funding will establish the Maurice William Summerhayes Memorial Fund, which will provide bursaries and scholarships in perpetuity to engineering students in memory of Phyllis Summerhayes' father, the late Maurice William Summerhayes, one of Canada's leading mining engineers during the first half of the 20th century. The donation will provide financial aid and awards to about 50 engineering students every year.

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