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Welcome to the Oceans and Marine Fisheries Division (OMFD)

Ocean resources and marine fisheries of British Columbia are an important contributor to the provincial economy and are the foundation for many coastal and First Nation communities. The Oceans and Marine Fisheries Division is responsible for the overall leadership of provincial government strategies and initiatives related to ocean resources and marine fisheries.


Division Goals

  • Sustainable management and development of British Columbia’s ocean resources and marine fisheries in a manner that protects the health of the environment, supports a thriving economy and healthy communities.
  • Greater provincial influence over the management of Pacific Ocean resources and marine fisheries.

Division Objectives

  • Facilitate sustainable management and development of ocean resources.
  • Influence federal management of Pacific fisheries to ensure that provincial objectives are reflected through collaborative decision-making processes.
  • Encourage the development of a growing, vibrant, and sustainable seafood industry.

Strategies and Initiatives

While responsibility for oceans is shared between governments, management of Pacific marine fisheries is under federal jurisdiction. The Division will ensure a stronger provincial role in the management of fisheries and ocean resources through:

  • leading the development of provincial marine interests and objectives;
  • creating collaborative provincial-federal resource management strategies; and
  • developing shared governance frameworks.

Initiatives that promote sustainable use of marine resources through the development and diversification of the fisheries sector include:

  • Enhancing competitiveness of BC’s seafood products through traceability and certification programs.
  • Marketing the sustainability and quality of BC’s seafood industry in the global marketplace.

Core Business Area Goals

  • Ocean Resources –sustainable and integrated management and use of BC’s ocean resources.
  • Marine Fisheries – a stable and diverse marine fishery that provides broad social and economic benefits for British Columbians.
  • Seafood Industry Development – growth and diversification of a seafood sector that offers strong competition in global markets with a focus on sustainability and quality.

This page was last modified: November 7, 2005

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