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Internet Resources on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for School Teachers

This database lists various web sites that provide information and resources for teachers interested in including instruction on IPM in their school curricula. The URL address, page title, a brief description of the content of the site are provided for each web site. Some sites sell resource materials (books, slides, videos, equipment, supplies) while others offer free publications many of which are downloadable. Several sites have useful links to other related sites that have more specific information on the use of IPM against specific pests (ants, powdery mildew, mice) or in specific cropping systems (apples, corn, livestock) or situations (schools, dwellings, backyards, etc.).

This list has been approved by the Expert Committee on Integrated Pest Management whose members provides IPM extension, education, regulatory and research service across Canada in the private and public sectors.


Description of website

Integrated Pest Management in the Northeast Region - Teaching Modules - IPM.  The new Northeast Regional IPM teaching modules is a hands-on, discussion-oriented series on the concepts and methods of IPM. It’s designed so you can mix and match modules to create the sequence that will work best for your clientele-or even use them singly, as needed, to augment your program
IPM Institute of North America - Become an IPM Super Sleuth! An on-line, interactive web site including quizes, crossword puzzles, word searches, matching and other fun games for elementary grade students. Focuses on educating children about integrated pest management (IPM) solutions for pests in and around the home. Includes an extensive list of IPM educational resources.
Iowa State Entomology Index: Integrated Pest Management A list of other web sites that provide information on IPM and related topics.
British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands: Integrated Pest Management Provides the definition of IPM published in provincial crop production guides, with link to IPM use in Agriculture.
Pennsylvania IPM Program - School IPM

School IPM; Community IPM; IPM for kids

Radcliffe's IPM World Textbook

The University of Minnesota's electronic textbook of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) featuring contributed chapters by internationally recognized experts. Provides an electronic alternative or complement to printed textbooks for communicating information on integrated pest management (IPM). Provides:

1) a venue for easily maintaining and up-dating "state of the art" information from the world's leading experts on all aspects of IPM,

2) a resource economically deliverable anywhere in the world that can be freely downloaded and used by students, teachers, and IPM practitioners,

3) a forum for the international presentation of practical information and theory on IPM,

4) links to the vast and rapidly growing IPM resources available on the Internet including photographs and decision-support software.


WhizQuiz© allows instructors to create quizzes that are automatically graded and deliver feedback. WhizQuiz© is designed to make it easy to point quiz takers to information on the web (or off) that will help them understand a problem or subject area better. Click on for a demonstration.

IPMnet News

The Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP) produces and provides IPMnet NEWS as a free, electronic global IPM Information resource. Each issue lists new IPM-related publications and resources, meetings, events, research summaries.

Urban Integrated Pest Management in the Southern Region - North Carolina

Provides information on the use of IPM in gardens, landscapes, municipalities, schools and interior landscapes. Extensive description of methods to safely and effectively manage insect, disease and weed pests. Links to many related sites such as the National IPM Network.

Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP) IPMnet Site contains many links to IPM sites and resources including IPM Medley (see below) and IPMnet News above.
Global Crop Pest Identification and Information Services in Integrated Pest Management

This WWW site will help to increase crop pest diagnosis and IPM information capability among extensionists and farmers of developing countries. Improvement in pest identification and pest biology and ecology will allow an increase in the adoption of IPM practices to control crop pest problems. This electronic publication covers the basics of pest recognition and scouting, ecology, biology and control strategies for each pest. With this information extensionists and farmers will be able to identify their pest problems and adopt IPM practices for their control. The information and pictures provided here can be printed or downloaded for further use.

University of California Statewide IPM Project Site provides information on IPM programs for crops, pest prediction models, degree-day calculation; videos, publications, software for sale; links to related sites.
Pest Management at the Crossroads Site is managed by Dr. Charles Benbrook, author of the book 'Pest Management at the Crossroads' published by Consumers Union. Topics addressed on the site include The Art and Science of Pest Management, Policy and the Public Interest and Forces Driving Change.
Integrated Pest Management in the Northeast region (USA) Links to national IPM Network in the U.S.A.; useful information for schools and non-professionals on IPM.
Resistance Pest Management Newsletter A Biannual Newsletter of the Pesticide Research Center (PRC) in Cooperation with the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC), the Western Regional Coordinating Committee (WRCC-60) and the International Organization for Pest Resistance Management (IOPRM)
USDA Regional Pest Management Centers Information System USDA Regional Pest Management Centers Information System is the result of a public-private partnership dedicated to making the latest and most accurate pest management information available on the World Wide Web. Participating institutions have agreed to a set of standards that ensure science-based, unbiased pest management information.
Biocontrol Network Biocontrol Network will provide an information resource for persons interested in Integrated Pest Management, bio-intensive pest control and sustainable farming and gardening techniques. We will publish IPM- related materials, original ARBICO publications, technical papers, reprints of feature articles and links to external web pages that discuss non-chemical pest control techniques, as well as reports on the hazards of conventional practices.
Young Entomologists' Society Insect science workshops; catalog of materials, offering a wide selection of entomological handbooks, manuals, resource guides, educational materials, and related products. Curriculum and supplementary materials; audiovisual materials; newsletter for teachers and students; extensive bibliography; posters; career information.
Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas - Integrated Pest Management This publication is meant to provide a basic understanding of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for individuals interested in agriculture at all levels. It includes the steps that need to be taken prior to IPM implementation, the tools used, and some ideas about future trends for IPM.
Integrated Pest Management Power Point Slide Presentation Provides PowerPoint slide presentation with presentation notes (produced at University of Hawaii).
IPM Almanac This site is produced by Gempler's, a business supplying the landscape, agricultural and horticultural sectors. This web site provides information and tools for IPM practitioners and advisors.
Integrated Pest Management in Schools A nationwide School Integrated Pest Management (IPM) initiative is underway. The purpose of this EPA initiative is to reduce the need for toxic substances and negative effects of pests in the school environment. Specific sites such as The Montana State University (MSU) School IPM Lesson plans and Material package have been developed to facilitate the implementation of IPM practices in the school environment. In addition, an eight-week Internet course was developed to help science teachers use the MSU School IPM Lesson plans and Materials package.
BC Ministry of Environment This site provides information on ordering pest management manuals on home and garden pests, landscape pests and structural pests in B.C. Also provides information on provincial legislation and regulations on pesticide use and management.

IPM e-Link may be used to notify subscribers when and where to find integrated pest management information and references available on the Internet or through other media.

Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America This web site provides photographs and descriptions of biological control (biocontrol) agents of insect, disease and weed pests in North America. It is also a tutorial on the concept and practice of biological control and integrated pest management (IPM). Whether you are an educator, a commercial grower, a student, a researcher, a land manager, or an extension or regulatory agent, we hope you will find this information useful. The guide currently includes individual pages of approximately 100 natural enemies of pest species, and we envision continued expansion. On each of these pages you will see photographs, descriptions of the life cycles and habits, and other useful information about each natural enemy.
Consortium For International Crop Protection (CICP) Database of IPM Resources

Database of IPM Resources (DIR) is an information retrieval/referral system and a compendium of customized directories of worldwide IPM information resources accessible through the Internet. With DIR, one can quickly find the way to thousands of IPM information sites. The DIR presents these web resources in a logical, structured, and searchable way that greatly reduces the frustration and disappointment often encountered when using general search engines on the web. The DIR covers a wide array of crops, pests, control tactics, regions, organizations, and related topics in a user-friendly format. DIR's contents span most of the disciplines involved in IPM.

Pest Management Resource Centre

Located in the United Kingdom, this site lists global meeting/conference notices, insect suppliers, books, publications, glossary of IPM terms, global directory of persons involved in IPM, pest control products catalogue, courses on IPM offered world-wide, history of IPM, IPM-related jokes, rhymes, poems, quotes.

Internet IPM Resources on Apple Pests This web site provides an extensive list of sites on all pests (diseases, insects, mites, weeds and others) as well as sites on other aspects of apple production.
Best Management Practices Program for IPM developed by the Ontario-Canada Agriculture Green Plan Describes IPM practices and how they are applied in crop and animal production.

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