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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

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Prescribed Learning Outcomes - Social Studies 5

Applications of Social Studies:

It is expected that students will gather and record a body of information from a variety of primary and secondary sources;

  • Discover Your Legislature provides an interactive approach for students to gather information on the Legislative Assembly of B.C. otherwise unavailable from either primary or secondary sources. This is a comprehensive resource on the place, people, purpose and history of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia that does not exist in any other form.

It is expected that students will defend a position on a regional issue in light of alternative perspectives;

  • Research using Discover Your Legislature provides a basis of knowledge to assist in the development of a position on regional issues.

It is expected that students will design, implement, and assess strategies to address community problems or projects.

  • Knowledge of how British Columbians have structured their government to address community problems and projects assists students with the important task of designing, implementing and assessing their own strategies for dealing with issues of public concern.

Society and Culture:

It is expected that students will demonstrate an understanding of Canadian culture;

  • Canadian culture and the evolution of our governing bodies are linked. Understanding the evolution of provincial institutions aids in the understanding of Canadian culture as a whole.

It is expected that students will demonstrate an appreciation of contributions of Aboriginal peoples, the French and the British to the development of Canada;

  • B.C.’s place in Confederation, the development of its governing structures and roles, and the origin of its customs and traditions are all built on contributions from the Aboriginal and English. Discover Your Legislature provides a source of information and exploration regarding how these peoples have contributed to the growth of British Columbia and the country.

It is expected that students will demonstrate an understanding of why immigrants come to Canada, the challenges they face, and their contributions to Canada.

  • Placing immigration in an historical context assists students to understand the challenges facing immigrants, their motivations for coming to Canada and B.C. Discover Your Legislature provides background information in the History section on immigration issues.

Politics and Law:

It is expected that students will explain citizenship in terms of participation in the community, province, country, and world;

  • Discover Your Legislature describes citizens’ participation in both the Legislative Assembly and the provincial government. It helps students learn how they can have direct access to Members of the Legislative Assembly, legislative committees and provincial government representatives.

It is expected that students will demonstrate an understanding of equality and fairness in Canada with respect to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the B.C. Human Rights Code, and the Ombudsman Act;

  • Discover Your Legislature discusses fairness and equality in B.C. by highlighting the individual roles of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Commissioner, the provincial Ombudsman and the Conflict of Interest Commissioner.

It is expected that students will summarize the purposes of municipal, provincial, federal, and Aboriginal governments;

  • Discover Your Legislature provides an in-depth study of the purpose of the Legislative Assembly of B.C. It explains the division of power between B.C.’s provincial Legislature and the Federal Parliament.

It is expected that students will demonstrate a basic understanding of the Canadian Constitution.

  • In the Purpose section of Discover Your Legislature, the British North America Act, 1867 and subsequently renamed The Constitution Act, 1867 are discussed in-depth.