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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

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Prescribed Learning Outcomes - Social Studies 11

Skills and Processes I:

It is expected that students will gather relevant information from appropriate sources; and, assess the reliability, currency, and objectivity of evidence.

  • Discover Your Legislature is an excellent resource to gather information, as well as assess the currency and reliability of the non-partisan evidence provided. The Bibliography also provides for further information gathering as do the many links to external websites.

Skills and Processes II:

It is expected that students will demonstrate skills associated with active citizenship, including the ability to: collaborate and consult with others;
respect and promote respect for the contributions of other team members; and,
interact confidently.

  • Discover Your Legislature has been developed as both an individual and small-group tool. Its nature as a single resource being accessed by a group of individuals promotes collaboration, consultation and interaction.

It is expected that students will demonstrate appropriate research skills, including the ability to: develop pertinent questions about a topic, an issue, or a situation;
collect original data; use a range of research tools and resources; compile and document task-specific information from a wide variety of print and electronic sources; evaluate and interpret data for accuracy, reliability, bias, and point of view; understand the nature of and appropriate uses for primary and secondary sources; recognize connections between events and their causes, consequences, and implications.

  • Discover Your Legislature offers a means of accessing information, providing the opportunity for evaluation, interpretation, research and the development of pertinent questions.

It is expected that students will demonstrate awareness of the value of social studies education in their daily lives and careers.

  • Discover Your Legislature assists students to understand the importance and relevancy of both the purpose and history of the Legislative Assembly to their every day lives. It helps students to value social studies education and function as knowledgeable, informed citizens.

Social Issues I:

It is expected that students will identify elements that contribute to the regional, cultural, and ethnic diversity of Canadian society; identify major Canadian social policies and programs and their impact on Canadian society; and, describe the role of women in the development of Canadian society.

  • Discover Your Legislature provides an interactive avenue to explore these issues as debated in the Legislative Assembly. The role of immigrants and women in the politics in the province is explored. The creation of social programs and minimum wage are discussed in the History section as well as the voting rights of various immigrant cultures in B.C.

Political Issues I:

It is expected that students will describe Canada's evolution as an independent nation; identify the structure and operation of Canada's federal, provincial, and municipal governments; and, explain Canada's political system.

  • The development of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia is covered extensively and provides students with a deeper understanding of various levels of governments and of the particular nature of Canadian provincial government. The constitutional evolution of Canada as a nation is explored in the Purpose section together with a breakdown of the various branches of government.

Legal Issues:

It is expected that students will describe the fundamental principles of the Canadian federal and provincial legal systems, including the rule of law; and, demonstrate awareness of how to access the various levels of government in Canada.

  • The Judicial Branch of government is covered; its duties, sphere of work and limitations. There is also an extensive section describing how to access both the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia and the B.C. government, including links to various government websites.