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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

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B.C. First Nations Studies 12

Skills and Processes:

It is expected that students will demonstrate the ability to think critically, including the ability to define an issue or problem, develop hypotheses and supporting arguments, gather relevant information from appropriate sources and assess the reliability, currency and objectivity of evidence;

  • The information and resources presented in Discover Your Legislature offer opportunities for further research by students to develop their own hypotheses, gather information referred to in the Bibliography or linked websites and determine their reliability and objectivity.

It is expected that students will demonstrate skills associated with active citizenship, including the ability to collaborate and consult with others, respect and promote respect for the contributions of other team members and interact confidently;

  • Discover Your Legislature has been developed as both an individual and small-group tool. Its nature as a single resource being accessed by a group of individuals promotes collaboration, consultation and interaction.

It is expected that students will demonstrate appropriate research and oral and written presentation skills, including the ability to access and interpret material from a wide variety of primary and secondary sources, including print sources, electronic sources and First Nations oral traditions, present in oral and written form, create and interpret maps as well as present and interpret data in graphic form.

  • Discover Your Legislature provides materials in a wide variety of formats for interpretation including primary and secondary sources, maps, graphic charts, photographs and video content.

Contact, Colonialism, and Resistance I:

It is expected that students will describe the impact of contact between First Nations and Europeans on demographics in B.C.; explain the intent of various government policies related to B.C. First Nations before and after Confederation; and, assess the impacts of contact and colonialism on social organization, spiritual beliefs, and governance among the B.C. First Nations.

  • Discover Your Legislature is best used as one of several resources to explore the impact of contact and legislation on First Nations peoples. The decisions of early settlers with respect to treaty negotiations, Aboriginal voting rights, access to the Legislature and the settlement of the Nisga’a Treaty are described.