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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

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Prescribed Learning Outcomes - History 12

The Study of History:

It is expected that students will analyze historical evidence to: assess reliability; distinguish between primary and secondary sources; identify bias and point of view; corroborate evidence; demonstrate the ability to conduct research using print, non-print, and electronic sources; evaluate the significance of cause-effect relationships; develop and present logical arguments; evaluate the significance of economic and geographical influences on history; draw conclusions about the influence of individuals and mass movements on historical developments; demonstrate historical empathy (the ability to understand the motives, intentions, hopes, people in other times and situations); and, apply knowledge of history to current issues.

  • Discover Your Legislature can be used as one component of a larger body of research materials to explore and explain historical developments in the province of British Columbia.

Promise and Collapse: 1919-1933 (I)

It is expected that students will summarize the basic features of various political ideologies, including different forms of democracy.

  • Discover Your Legislature describes the basic features of democracy in both British Columbia and Canada with historical underpinnings to the democratic process and traditions developed in the United Kingdom.

Promise and Collapse: 1919-1933 (II)

It is expected that students will identify factors that led to the Great Depression.

  • The History section of Discover Your Legislature deals with the years leading up to the Great Depression, describing issues facing the Legislative Assembly during that period.

Turmoil and Tragedy: 1933-1945 (I)

It is expected that students will evaluate the effects of the Great Depression on the industrialized world.

  • Discover Your Legislature covers the years following the Great Depression, detailing how the Legislative Assembly of BC at that time struggled to deal with the effects of the Depression on the people of British Columbia.

Progress and Uncertainty: 1963-1991 (II)

It is expected that students will analyze the influence of public opinion, including direct action by individuals or groups, on national policy; and, assess the influence of women in political and economic affairs in the late 20th century.

  • In the History and Purpose sections of Discover Your Legislature students can learn about the impact on the Legislative Assembly of such issues as women’s suffrage and the growing pressure to include all Canadians in the political process.