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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

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Prescribed Learning Outcomes - Law 12

Foundations of Law: (Principles, Concepts, and Sources of Law)

It is expected that students will define law and evaluate its purposes in society; demonstrate an understanding of legal principles such as the rule of law and natural justice; describe how and why laws change and the consequences of such changes on society; and, demonstrate an understanding of the evolution and sources of law in Canada, including: common law; statute law; constitutional law; and, differentiate between civil and criminal law.

  • Discover Your Legislature provides an in-depth description of the legislative process in B.C. From the First Reading of a bill to Proclamation of new law, an overview of each step in the law-making process is explained.

Foundations of Law: (Structures and Processes of the Legal System)

It is expected that students will contrast the legal rights and responsibilities of individuals, groups, and organizations in Canadian society; and, demonstrate an understanding of the structure and jurisdiction of the Canadian court system.

  • Discover Your Legislature is best used as a resource to describe the division of powers between the federal and provincial governments and their respective court systems. It includes external website links to various levels of courts encouraging further exploration.