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Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

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B.C. Legislative Internship Program

Application Form

How to Apply

Please fill out the form below. * Indicates required fields.


* * *
(Salutation, First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name)


Public Education and Outreach will use the email address you provide as a primary means of contacting you. As many people have more than one email id, please ensure we have the specific email address that you wish us to use.

Verify Email:

Please repeat your preferred email address to ensure we have your correct address.

Permanent B.C. Mailing Address:




Postal Code:

* (e.g. V8V1X4)

Current Phone:

- - *

Home Phone:

- - *





Associate Degree



Bachelor Degree




Year Degree Completed or Expected:

Month Year *

You must have obtained the minimum of a Bachelor's Degree from a Canadian institution within the two year period prior to the program commencement date.

Statement of Aims and Interests:

Please indicate what you hope to gain by participating in this program. Illustrate how you believe this program will assist you in meeting your future goals. (300-500 Words Max.) *


Indicate briefly any scholarships, academic awards, or other directly related recognition awards you have received:



The B.C. Legislative Internship Program is six months in duration. Are you willing to commit to the six month period of January to June?

Caucus Work:

As a B.C. Legislative Intern, part of your assignment will be working in caucus. Are you willing to work to the best of your abilities for either caucus?

Where did you learn about the Legislative Internship Program?

Attach Resume:

Include a two page maximum electronic copy of your resume by clicking on the 'Browse' button: *



Have you checked that all fields are filled out with the correct information? If you wish to keep a personal record of your application, click on the 'Print My Form' link below.

Remember to fully complete the application process, you must order an official transcript from your university or university-college to be sent directly to the B.C. Legislative Internship Program. You must also have three academic referees complete the Academic Referee form on-line.

When you have verified that all of your information is correct, please submit your application by clicking the 'Submit Application' button below.