Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Site Index


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Ministry Contact List  [GO]

Aboriginal Memorandum of Understandings
Aboriginal Relations Branch 
Aboriginal Relations Mandate       
Acid Rock Drainage Guidelines   
Aggregate Handbook  
Aggregate Potential Maps  
Aggregate Project  
Aggregate Publications
Aggregate Review (Mining)
Arbitration -- Mediation and Arbitration Board   
Arcview Data Files  
ARIS Assessment Reports
Assayers Certification Program

[ TOP ]

Basins, Interior (Oil and Gas)
Bedrock Mapping    
Bedrock Mapping (Index to Bedrock Mapping -- Map format)  
Bowser Basin     

[ TOP ]

Call For Proposals (Oil and Gas)  
Coalbed Methane in British Columbia (brochure) 
Coalbed Gas (website)
Contacts for the Ministry

[ TOP ]

Directory of Mining

[ TOP ]

Earthquakes in BC    
Earthquake Hazard Mapping  
Earthquake Hazard Mapping of Greater Victoria      
Education (geology of BC)  
Electricity Development Branch 
Emergency Response Plans (Mines) 
Employment Opportunities    
Energy Resources and Land Use Planning   
Exploration and Mining (Exploring the Future) (publications list)
Exploration Services (Mining)  
Exploration Tax Credits (Mining)  
Exploration:  Two-Zone System (Mining)    
[ TOP ]

Field Programs (GSB)  

[ TOP ]

Geochemical Surveys
Geochemistry, Regional 
Geological Maps Online   
Geological Survey Branch (Home)   
Geological Survey Branch (Public Education)  
Geothermal Resources
Geothermal Rights   
GSB Field Programs
GSB Partnerships  

[ TOP ]

Hazards Mapping (Surficial Geology)
Health and Safety (Mines)
Health, Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia    

[ TOP ]

Index to Bedrock Mapping in BC   
Industrial Minerals  
Inspections (Mines)  

[ TOP ]


[ TOP ]


[ TOP ]

Landsales (Petroleum and Natural Gas)   
Landslides in BC   
Land Use   
Land Use - Pre-tenure Plans 

Lake Sediment/Water Surveys
Legislation (Mining and Oil and Gas)
Legislation (Titles)
(Ministry - General)
Library Survey (online survey)  
Links to Related Organizations   

[ TOP ]

Map Place
Map Place Frequently Asked Questions  
Map Place Overview  

Map Place Tour (Powerpoint Presentation)
Map Selection -- Minister's Letter to Free Miners  
Mediation and Arbitration Board   

Memorandum of Understandings
Mine Health and Safety
Mine Inspections
Mine Permitting   
Mine Rescue
Mineral Data    
Mineral Exploration Code
Mineral Potential       
Mineral Revenues     
Mineral Statistics  
Mineral Titles  
MINFILE download request  
Mining Directory 
Mining Home Page    
Mining in the New Millenium   
Mobile Equipment Operation Requirements
Mobile Equipment Operation Requirements (vehicles over 45,000 kg)
Mining Exploration Tax Credits  
Muskwa Kechika   

[ TOP ]

Nechako Project (Natmap)   
Nechako Quaternary Map   
News Releases   

Newsletters & Reports (Ministry)

[ TOP ]

Offshore Oil and Gas             
Oil and Gas Calls For Proposals   
Oil and Gas Commission   
Oil and Gas Development Strategy  
Oil and Gas Home Page    
Oil and Gas Key Initiatives   
Oil and Gas Legislation   
Oil and Gas Links
Oil and Gas Publications Index  
Oil and Gas Potential (Resources)  
Oil and Gas Revenues   
Oil and Gas Statistics
Operating Mines
Organization Chart   

[ TOP ]

Paleoseismicity Mapping   
Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights in British Columbia   
Petroleum and Natural Gas Land Sales  
Pre-Tenure Plans
Protected Areas  
Publications (GSB)   
Publications (Ministry - General)   
Publications -- Ordering from Crown Publications (GSB)
Public Education (GSB)
Public Education Links (GSB) 

[ TOP ]


[ TOP ]

Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia
(Health and Safety)

Regional Geochemistry 
Resources on the Web (links for further research)
Revenues (Oil and Gas)  
Revenues (Mineral)  

[ TOP ]

Service Plan
Sierra-Yoyo-Desan Road
Special Management Zones  
Subsurface Resources (minerals)
Surficial Geology and Hazards Mapping  

[ TOP ]

Terrain Map Library
Titles Legislation
Till Sediment Surveys
Two-Zone System for Exploration   

[ TOP ]


[ TOP ]

Vehicles:  Operation Requirements (brakes)
Operation Requirements (vehicles over 45,000 kg)
Vendor Relations

[ TOP ]


Web Resources (links for further research)  
What's New? (Geological Survey Branch)   
What's New? (Ministry Announcements and Events)

[ TOP ]


[ TOP ]


[ TOP ]


[ TOP ]


Student or Teacher Links
Education (geology of BC)
Land Use - Pre-tenure Plans 
Legislation (Mining and Oil and Gas)
Links to Related Organizations  
Map Place
Oil and Gas Legislation   
Oil and Gas Links
Oil and Gas Publications Index  
Publications (GSB)   
Publications (Ministry - General)   
Publications -- Ordering from Crown Publications (GSB)
Public Education (GSB)
Public Education Links (GSB) 
Resources on the Web (links for further research)
Surficial Geology and Hazards Mapping

[ TOP ]


Industry Professional Links
ARIS Assessment Reports
Call For Proposals (Oil and Gas)
Coalbed Gas
Directory of Mining
Geological Survey Branch (Home)  
Health and Safety (Mines)
Inspections (Mines)
Land Use - Pre-tenure Plans 
Legislation (Mining and Oil and Gas)
Links to Related Organizations  
Map Place
Mineral Statistics   
Mining Exploration Tax Credits
Muskwa Kechika

Oil and Gas Statistics  
Publications (GSB) 
Web Resources (links for further research)  
What's New? (Geological Survey Branch)  

[ TOP ]


Business Professional Links
Arbitration -- Mediation and Arbitration Board
Coalbed Gas
Directory of Mining
Electricity Development Branch 
Exploration Tax Credits (Mining)  
Geological Survey Branch (Home)  
GSB Partnerships 
Health and Safety (Mines)
Inspections (Mines)
Landsales (Petroleum and Natural Gas)
Land Use - Pre-tenure Plans 
Legislation (Mining and Oil and Gas)
Links to Related Organizations  
Oil and Gas Commission   
Oil and Gas Development Strategy  
Oil and Gas Potential (Resources)   
Revenues (Oil and Gas)  
Revenues (Mineral)  

What's New? (Geological Survey Branch)  

[ TOP ]


Private Citizen
Arbitration -- Mediation and Arbitration Board
Energy Resources and Land Use Planning 
Land Use     
Legislation (Mining and Oil and Gas)
Links to Related Organizations  
Map Place

Publications (GSB)   
Publications (Ministry - General)   
Publications -- Ordering from Crown Publications (GSB)
Public Education (GSB)
Public Education Links (GSB) 
Resources on the Web (links for further research)
Web Resources (links for further research)  
What's New? (Geological Survey Branch)  

[ TOP ]

Last Updated:  November 17, 2006

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