Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Exploring the Future

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BC Geological Survey
Exploration Finance Programs
Exploration:  Handbook
Exploration:  Two-Zone System
Exploring the Future
Mine Health and Safety
Mine Permitting
Mine Rescue 2004
Minerals, Oil and Gas
Mineral Revenues
Mineral Statistics Sitemap
Mineral Titles Branch
What's New in Mining

Exploration and Mining in British Columbia
bulletCover (PDF)
bulletExploration and Mining Opportunities (PDF)
bulletOperating Mines and Exploration Highlights in British Columbia, Canada (PDF)
bulletInvesting Opportunities (PDF)
bulletThe History (PDF)

Fact Sheets

bulletHealth and Safety (PDF)
bulletMediation and Arbitration Process (PDF)
bulletReclamation and Closure (PDF)
bulletCoal (PDF)
bulletGeological Survey Services (PDF)
bulletMining Production (PDF)
bulletElectricity (PDF)
bulletFlow-Through Shares (PDF)
bulletIndustrial Minerals (PDF)
bulletGeological Potential (PDF)
bulletMineral Titles (PDF)
bulletMinistry Contacts (PDF)

For more information on British Columbia's mining and mineral exploration sector contact:

Ministry of Energy and Mines
4th Floor, 1810 Blanshard Street
Victoria BC   V8W 9N3
Phone:  250 952-0492
Fax:  250 952-0381

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Last Updated November 28, 2006

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