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Post-secondary Students
Post-secondary Students

It’s time to start planning the next stage of your life. You’re here, so you’re probably already aware that post-secondary education or training is a valuable asset in the work world. Use the information in this section to research schools and their program offerings, and financial aid. You’ll also find useful tips on independent living, such as how to create a realistic budget for yourself and how to find an apartment.

Cost of Living
It is no secret that being a student is expensive. In addition to the costs of tuition and books, you will probably need to consider the costs of housing, food, transportation and entertainment, among other things.
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» Accommodation » Student Expenses
Financial Aid
One of the major things you must consider when planning your post-secondary studies is how you are going to pay for your tuition, books and living expenses (e.g., rent, food, transportation, entertainment, etc.).
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» Student Loans » Financial Assistance Offices
» Scholarships, Bursaries & Grants » Other Sources of Financial Assistance
Institution Information
British Columbia has a wide range of public and private post-secondary education options.
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» Public Post-secondary Institutions » Regional and Community Facts
» Private Post-secondary Institutions    
Student Services
B.C.’s post-secondary institutions offer an extensive range of services to support students through their courses of study.
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» General Student Services Listing » International Students
» Special Needs Student Services Listing » Co-op Educational Contacts
B.C.’s public post-secondary institutions are working collaboratively on a new online learning strategy to manage the wide range of online programs and course work now being offered.
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Education Planner provides clear, reliable and detailed information about programs at B.C. post-secondary institutions. The website allows you to compare information about programs without having to visit each institution’s website – at no cost to you!
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Achieve BC News Releases
Back to School Tips
New Post-Secondary Student Spaces
Jobs Info and What's New
How to Land a Job
Best Place on Earth to Work
How to Start your Own Business
School Choices
School Profile
Career Planning Tools
Pregnant: Healthy and Happy
Baby: First Year
Toddler: 1-3 Years
Children: 3-5 Years
Support for Parents
Helping Your Children Stay Healthy
Helping Your Children Learn
Getting Involved with Your School
Your Education System
Secondary Students
Post-secondary Students
Applying to Register Online
Student Financial Assistance
Adult Learning
Career Planning
B.C. Achievers
Premier's Excellence Awards
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