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Career Planning Tools

Career Planning Tools

Self awareness and good planning will help you make decisions whether you're exploring career options, looking for a new job, or wanting to upgrade your skills. The tools below will help you identify your skills, abilities and interests; find out more about the kinds of jobs in your area of interest; locate the education and training you need to move ahead with the career you choose; and transfer between institutions.

Assessment Test

If you are considering post-secondary education and are unsure of what direction to take, this assessment test can help you identify your skills, abilities and interests. Taking the test may be a helpful first step before you start researching specific jobs or academic/training programs.

Assessment Test

Job Profiles

When you’re considering a career, you’ll have plenty of questions. What’s it like to work in that field? Where are the jobs? How many jobs are there? How much money do people make? What skills are employers looking for?

Through the link below, you can check out different jobs as they relate directly to the world of work in B.C.

>> Work Futures

Learning and Training

Where do you go to learn the skills you need to qualify for the career you want? For people planning to attend one of British Columbia’s 27 public post-secondary institutions, the B.C. Education Planner gives you up-to-date information on undergraduate program availability, application dates, tuition costs, admission requirements, lengths, and much more.

>> Education Planner

Private institutions also offer a wide range of choices and options. Registered and accredited private post-secondary institutions are listed on the website of the Private Career Training Institutions Agency.

Changing Schools

If you plan to start your education at one post-secondary institution and transfer to another, you’ll want to know about getting credit for courses you’ve completed at your first school. The BC Transfer Guide is Canada’s largest course-to-course database. You can also use it to find out such things as how to transfer between universities, how to transfer in or out of B.C., and whether it’s better to attend a college or university – as well as information on block transfer, advanced placement and international baccalaureate credit.

>> BC Transfer Guide

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Best Place on Earth to Work
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