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Business Event
Mining Sector
A online database of Mineral Titles outlining the basic procedures involved in locating, recording and maintaining mineral and placer titles. BCEID required.

2010 Commerce Centre

Forestry Sector
BC Timber Sales develops and sells publicly owned timber to a variety of customers – market loggers, sawmill operators, and timber processors and remanufacturers across the province on the basis of highest bid.

Government Agents
One-stop government access to registrations, payments, forms and information at 59 locations throughout B.C.

Purchasing Commission
Access a wide range of purchasing-related services to B.C. Government ministries and public sector organizations.

Health Authorities
Regional health authorities information and profiles.

Business Topics
Doing Business with Government
Exploring Economic Development
Licensing and Registration
Managing a Business
Starting a Business
Business FAQs
How can I access government services close to where I live?
Where can I get information on MSP billing for practioners?
How can I find applications and forms related to forestry?
How can I purchase surplus government assets?
Where can I find out companies that I want to invest in?

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