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Budgets and Annual Reports Index
B.C. Budget
Enhanced services for children and expanded skills training programs lead a range of new measures designed to keep British Columbia growing with confidence.
Corporate Annual Report System (CARS)
The Corporate Annual Report System (CARS) enables B.C. companies to file annual reports over the Internet in real time using their BC OnLine account or credit card payment.
Crime Statistics in B.C.
Government's Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan sets out the government's priorities over the next three years to revitalize the economy, ensure sound fiscal management, and deliver excellent public services.
Ministry Annual Service Plan Reports
The annual service plan reports summarize the progress of individual ministries, as well as the government as a whole, in meeting the performance targets laid out in service plans at the beginning of each fiscal year.
Ministry Service Plans
Three-year service plans represent an important part of the government's commitment to open and accountable government.
New Era Review
The government has completed or begun work on 95 per cent of its New Era commitments.
Public Accounts
Audited financial information that demonstrates how the government performed relative to its fiscal plan for the year, as laid out in the Budget and Estimates of revenue and expenditure.
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