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Local Government Elections


Local government elections in British Columbia are held every three years. This includes elections for mayors, councillors, regional district electoral area directors, and trustees for the Islands Trust. The election always occurs on the third Saturday in November and the next local government elections will be held on Saturday, November 15, 2008. The election for school board trustees is also held on the same date.

While provincial elections are administered by Elections BC, local government elections are managed by chief election officers that are appointed independently by each local government.

In most provinces, the eligibility for voting in local government elections is limited to residents only. In British Columbia, residents can vote as well as persons that own property in a local government, even if they do not reside there. Further information about eligibility can be found in the Voter's Guide.

Elections are the most visible way for the public to directly influence their local government. During the election process, the candidates generally outline their platforms and objectives if they are elected. By choosing the candidates with the ideals and qualities that are most acceptable to the electors, they can directly influence the type of community where they reside or own property.

The majority of ballots cast by the electors decide who will be the successful candidate. For municipalities, the voters choose from a list of candidates to fill the councillor positions. The electors vote from a separate list of candidates to fill the position of mayor. In regional districts, a candidate is elected from each of its electoral areas to the regional board. However, the chair is elected by and from the directors on the regional board.

In instances where there are only as many candidates as there are positions available in the local government, no election is necessary as the candidates are automatically declared elected by acclamation.

There are very strict rules regarding the conduct of local government elections to ensure that they are fair, open and honest. These procedures are established in Part 3 of the Local Government Act.

Candidates seeking office in local government elections must complete a Statement of Disclosure (193 KB) which is required under the Financial Disclosure Act. For more information, a Fact Sheet (40 KB) is available. Following the election, candidates must ensure that full disclosures are made about the individuals or organizations that finance their election campaign. Failure to file campaign disclosure forms within the time allotted may result in disqualification from being a candidate until after the next local government election. The Inspector of Municipalities maintains a List of Disqualified Candidates. Further information for candidates can be found in the Candidates Guide (515 KB).

The Local Government Department is involved with local government elections in three main ways:

  • The List of Disqualified Candidates is maintained by the Department.
  • Applications from candidates who want to withdraw from an election within 28 days of the election date are reviewed by the Department and forwarded to the minister to decide whether to allow the withdrawal.
  • The Department develops informational materials and responds to requests for information about the local government election process. Much of this information is available as Frequently Asked Questions. In addition, a calendar of important dates in the election process is available.

Please contact Advisory Services Branch if you have questions or comments.

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