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Community Enhancement Grants

Grants for local governments to enhance B.C. communities

VICTORIA – British Columbia local governments can now access over $80 million to enhance their communities through investments in local infrastructure, cycling and pedestrian pathways and public celebration spaces.

Applications for three new cost-sharing programs, announced by Premier Gordon Campbell at the 2006 Union of B.C. Municipalities annual conference, are now available on-line.

The programs are: 

Towns for Tomorrow website.

Towns for Tomorrow - $21 million, over three years, for capital projects in B.C.’s small communities that enhance community infrastructure such as water quality improvements, environmental energy improvements, recreation and cultural amenities, protective and emergency services infrastructure and community development.
   Towns for Tomorrow news release

LocalMotion Fund website.

LocalMotion Fund - $40 million, over four years, for capital projects such as bike paths, walkways, greenways, improved access for people with disabilities, and projects that support children’s activity programs in community playgrounds. 
LocalMotion news release

B.C. Spirit Squares website.

B.C. Spirit Squares - $20 million for capital projects to create or improve outdoor public meeting and celebration spaces such as traditional town squares or community commons — reflecting each community’s unique character, heritage and cultural diversity – as we move towards celebrating events and activities in 2008 and beyond.
B.C. Spirit Squares news release

Each of these programs builds on B.C.’s Pacific Leadership Agenda and supports ActNow BC, a provincewide health promotion initiative focused on encouraging British Columbians to live healthier lives by being more physically active.

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