Towns for Tomorrow

towns for tomorrow opens the door for B.C.’s smaller communities to improve local infrastructure and become even better places to live and work.

The province is providing $21 million for capital investments that enhance community infrastructure and create legacies for the future. Projects supported include water quality improvements, environmental energy improvements, protective and emergency infrastructure services, as well as the development of recreation, tourism or cultural amenities with long-term benefits for local citizens.

Project criteria include:

  • sustainable planning, design, construction and management;
  • innovative approaches;
  • environmental benefits and contributions;
  • health and social benefits;
  • economic growth; and
  • local government financial planning and capacity.

Local governments with populations of 5,000 or less can apply for Towns for Tomorrow grants. Under the cost-share program, the Province will provide 80 per cent of the funding for approved projects, with communities funding the remaining 20 per cent, up to a maximum total value of $500,000. A total of $7 million is available each year for three years.

To be considered for the first round of project approvals, Towns for Tomorrow applications are due February 16, 2007. Successful projects will be announced in Spring 2007.

The program will be overseen by the Premier’s Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development, Kevin Krueger (MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson).

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