Vancouver 2010
Canadian segment of Torino Closing Ceremony an unqualified success (2006.02.26)
Canada invited the world to Come Play With Us in 2010 Torino, Italy – In a powerful and memorable eight-minute segment of the Torino Olympic Winter Games Closing Ceremony, Canada invit... more >>
Vancouver 2010 graduates from “Olympic Winter Games University” (2006.02.24)
Organizing Committee takes home best practices, observations, and thanks Torino for access and learning opportunities Torino, Italy – When Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan accepts the Olympic... more >>
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Feature Story
Postcard from Torino: Alpine Skiing at Sestriere Borgata

Postcard from Torino: Alpine Skiing at Sestriere Borgata

Alpine skiing during the Paralympic Games is one of the most exciting sports to watch as a spectator. The athletes – in the three categories of visually impaired, standing and sitting – race down the mountain at speeds of over 100 kilometres per hour. Skiers with a visual impairment ski with a sighted guide who can call out directions on the course, while athletes in the sitting and standing categories use equipment that is adapted to their needs. The four Alpine events  more >>


Latest Procurement Opportunities

  • For the printing and supply of business cards, letterhead and envelopes
  • Construction of Buildings at the Whistler Sliding Centre


Latest Job Opportunities

  • Senior Network Engineer
  • Senior Systems Engineer
  • Program Manager, Properties
  • Program Manager, Broadcast Operations
  • Financial Accountant

Vancouver 2010 pre-Games volunteer program

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We expect to begin issuing various Requests for Expressions of Interest regarding the licensing of merchandise in the near future.

See Licensing Opportunities for more information as it becomes available.

Upcoming Events

March 10 - 19, 2006

2006 Paralympic Winter Games in Torino. Watch the Paralympic Games live and on demand at

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International Olympic CommitteeInternational Paralympic CommitteeTorino 2006Beijing 2008London 2012
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How many medals do you think Canada will win at the Torino 2006 Paralympic Winter Games?

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