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Crystal Meth Secretariat

No2Meth Click here to view the No2Meth website. Click here to play the No2Meth commercial. Crystal methamphetamine use and production is a serious and growing problem in British Columbia. As encountered in some U.S. states, the rise of crystal meth use in B.C. is being accompanied by an increase in related health problems and deaths amongst users. The resulting emotional, financial and social costs are enormous.

The Crystal Meth Secretariat was established under the Solicitor General to work with all aspects of government to co-ordinate the response to crystal meth and help communities look at strategies that they can use to effectively fight this invasive drug. The aim is to create an informed public, safer communities and a responsive service system that identifies high-risk groups and reduces harm to both individuals and communities.

Our province has developed a Crystal Meth Strategy, leading the way with an integrated and aggressive approach to tackling the issue—see Fact Sheet on B.C.'s Crystal Meth Strategy.

Task Forces on Crystal Meth

The task forces on crystal meth are community-based organizations established to educate, inform and provide on-going support. There are many community task forces in various stages of development across the province. Below are the websites for several established groups: