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Fire Danger Ratings

The fire danger rating (very low, low, moderate, high and extreme) is used by fire managers:
  • to keep the public informed about the risk of wildfires;
  • to allocate equipment and personnel resources; and
  • to indicate the degree of fire risk in any area, including the predicted rates of fire spread.

Information is collected from our networked automated weather stations. This information (temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and precipitation) is used to calculate the forest fire danger rating.

The fire-danger rating is derived from the indices calculated for each of these stations.

The resulting information is available in the Danger Class Report, which is automatically updated every hour as new weather information is collected.

What the Danger Class Ratings mean:
Low Low fire danger.
Moderate Carry out any forest activities with caution.
High Fire hazard is serious. Extreme caution must be used in any forest activities. Burning permits and industrial activities may be restricted.
Extreme Extremely high fire hazard. General forest activities may be restricted, including burning permits, industrial activities and campfires.

The public is kept informed about the forest fire danger level throughout the province using road-side signs, the Danger Class Report, and news bulletins.