

The FOODSAFE.CA Website is a resource for Instructors, Educators, Foodservices, Workers and Consumers in British Columbia. The FOODSAFE Training Program teaches safe food handling procedures to students, workers, supervisors, and operators in the food services industry. FOODSAFE was developed cooperatively by government, business, health, safety, and education in British Columbia. It is also used across Canada and around the world.

FOODSAFE Member Logos Link to FOODSAFE Secretariat Link to BC Restaurant & Foodservices Association Link to British Columbia Government Publications Services Link to BC Centre for Disease Control Link to WorkSafe BC Link to Canadian Food Inspection Agency Link to Vancouver Island Health Authority Link to Fraser Health Authority Link to Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association Link to Northern Health Authority Link to Interior Health Authority Link to Vancouver Coastal Health Authority Link to Camosun College Link to go2: The Resource for People in Tourism Link to Canadian Association of Foodservice Professionals Link to Professional Cook Training Articulation Committee Link to British Columbia Culinary Arts Specialist Association Link to Teachers of Home Economics Specialist Association