Adult Basic Education

Many adults, for one reason or another, have not achieved the level of education they need in order to build the future they want for themselves and their families. Often a high school diploma is the key to finding a better job or moving on to post-secondary education and training. Adult basic education (ABE) programs are designed to help those who find themselves in this position.

Adult Basic Education Facts

  • ABE courses lead to a high school diploma, or "Dogwood Certificate," and prerequisites for post-secondary programs.
  • Courses can be taken through local high schools or through public post-secondary institutions.
  • Tuition is free for those who have not graduated from Grade 12.

Adult Basic Education in British Columbia’s Public Post-Secondary Institutions: An Articulation Handbook - 2006/07 Edition

This handbook provides the adult basic education program framework used in the B.C. post-secondary education system. It includes core course outlines and provides transfer guides for courses across the system. It also provides information about the British Columbia adult graduation diploma.

Adult Basic Education in British Columbia's Public Post-secondary Institutions: An Articulation Handbook. [500 KB]

2005 Adult Basic Education Student Outcomes Survey

The Report of the 2005 ABE Student Outcomes Survey [1.57 mb] presents the responses of more than 4,200 students who attended ABE classes at B.C. public colleges, university colleges and institutes in 2003/04. The survey collected information on the former students’ demographics, employment outcomes, further educational activity and evaluation of their ABE experiences.

For hard copies of these publications contact BC Government Publications Services

Adult Basic Education Funding

Funding for books and other costs may be provided to eligible students through the Adult Basic Education Student Assistance Program (ABESAP).

For further information, contact:

Learning Programs
Students & Learning Programs Branch
Ministry of Advanced Education
Telephone: 250 356-7738 or 250 357-5163
Fax: 250 387-0878

Other Links

For a list of ABE programs at individual colleges, university colleges and institutes, visit ABE Programs in the British Columbia / Yukon Post-secondary System.

For information about the programs provided by the Ministry of Education, visit:

To find out about adult literacy grants, go to the Adult Literacy website.