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Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management

Incidental Wildlife Observations

Incidental observations are detections of species by individuals or groups either incidental to the main objective of a project or outside of the context of a formal project. They are important because they provide a additional wildlife information not found in formal surveys. Anyone observing wildlife is encouraged to contribute incidental observations to our database.

For large collections of incidental observations:
Step 1. Use the WSI data template. Complete the project metadata and the incidental observations worksheets.
Obtain data template
Step 2. Send us the data collection by registering and submitting the completed template as a project.
Submit template as a project
For smaller numbers of observations:
Use the Online Wildlife Sighting Form
Access the online form

A complete description of each field on the wildlife sighting form can be downloaded here. The following fields of the form require data:

  •  Name of Recorder
  •  E-mail (not mandatory, but this is the most efficient way for us to  contact you regarding your observation)
  •  Date
  •  Species
  •  Number (of individuals seen)
  •  Location Description (or UTM in NAD83). The standard georeference is UTM based on NAD83. If you have a UTM in NAD27, please indicate this in the Comments field.

Other optional fields may require knowledge of provincial ecological classification systems. Fill all fields that you can complete.

Revised 28-Nov-2005
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