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Archives: Amazing Time Machine
Go back in time to find historical documents and images from B.C.'s past.
Athletic Assistance Guidelines and Application Form
The B.C. Athlete Assistance Program seeks to recognize and support high performance B.C. athletes striving to represent the Province and Canada in athletic competition.
B.C. Facts
Test your knowledge about B.C.
B.C. Geographical Names
Official place names for B.C. maps and records.
Child Abuse Prevention
Find out how you can prevent child abuse in your community. Includes sections on parent and family development, Aboriginal communities, teens, community resources, skills development and more.
Endangered Species in British Columbia
B.C. is home to many thousands of plant and animal species living in diverse habitats. Find out information about endangered species in B.C.
Help Line for Abused Children
24-hour service.
Internet Safety
Web safety advice and recommendations for parents and children
Open School Courses and Resources
Open School's online courses and registration forms available through an interactive delivery environment.
Safety: Be Bear Aware
Bears in the wild and communities. Strategies for preventing problems with bears.
Wildlife Program
Learn more about biodiversity and wildlife in B.C.
Wildlife Sighting Submission Form
Use this site to submit a significant sighting of wildlife.
Wildlife: Cougar Safety Tips
Safety Guide to Cougars: track recognition, tips for home, hiking, safe -guarding children and working in cougar country.