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Resident Event
Wildlife Program
Learn more about biodiversity and wildlife in B.C.

Spirit of 2010 Trail
The Kettle Valley Rail Trail, The Slocan Rail Trail, The Cowichan Rail Trail and the Salmo-Troupe Rail Trail have been converted across the province to form the Spirit of 2010 Trail. This will provide a unique opportunity for British Columbia residents and visitors to experience an extensive corridor of recreational trails for hiking, walking, cycling, horseback riding and cross country skiing.

Recreational Fishing
Information about freshwater and tidal water fishing in B.C.

Cycling in B.C.
Information and maps on the Trans Canada Trail from Cycling BC

BC Parks
Information about the features and facilities at B.C. provincial parks.

Resident Topics
Experiencing B.C.
Getting Around in B.C.
Life Long Learning
Living with a Disability
Owning/Renting a Home
Staying Healthy and Safe
Taking Care of Your Family
Working in B.C.
Resident FAQs
How can I learn more about sports and recreational activities in B.C.?
How do I book a Parliament Buildings tour?
How do I report wildlife sightings?
How do I research trees of B.C.?

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