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Resident Event
Aboriginal Education — K-12
This site contains useful information for everyone interested or involved in Aboriginal education from kindergarten to high school graduation.

Post-secondary Co-op Work Experience
Find out about co-operative education at the post-secondary level, combining classroom instruction with paid work-related experience in a relevant field.

Programs and Services for Parents of K-12 Students
Find out everything you need to know about report cards, healthy schools, literacy and many other subjects.

Private Post-secondary Education
Check this website for information about registered and accredited private institutions serving students in B.C.

High School Co-op Work Experience
This website is for secondary students or parents who would like information about work experience in B.C. schools.

School and District Information
Check this site for a map of school districts in B.C., and contact information for schools and districts.

Public Libraries
B.C.'s public libraries - all of which provide free Internet access - are listed on this site.

Aboriginal Education — Post-secondary
This website provides links to a broad range of information, advice and resources to help Aboriginal students and educators.

Public Post-secondary Education
Over 1,900 programs are offered at 26 public post-secondary institutions in British Columbia. This site offers links to all of them.

Student Loans
Did you know you can apply for student financial aid online?

Graduation Information for Grades 8 - 12
Information for Grade 8-12 students about work and life after graduation, graduation requirements, other ways to earn graduation credits.

Resident Topics
Experiencing B.C.
Getting Around in B.C.
Life Long Learning
Living with a Disability
Owning/Renting a Home
Staying Healthy and Safe
Taking Care of Your Family
Working in B.C.
Resident FAQs
How do I apply for scholarships?
How do I find out about curriculums?
How do I obtain (grade 11/12) transcripts?
How do I obtain financial aid?

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