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The Crown Agencies Secretariat (CAS) is a central agency within the Office of the Premier with responsibility for strategically overseeing the system of Crown agencies (Crown corporations and agencies, boards and commissions) in British Columbia and proactively providing government and Crown agencies with the advice, information, and support necessary to promote good governance, continuous improvement and accountability for results. CAS’s goal is to develop (and maintain) a highly accountable, efficient and effective system of Crown agencies in British Columbia.

Our core business areas include:
  • Reviewing, clarifying, confirming and/or revising Crown Agency mandates
  • Ensuring systematic organizational mandate reviews occur
  • Developing and managing governance, performance reporting, and associated risk management frameworks for Crown Agencies
  • Developing guidelines and coordinating the overall process for preparing service plans, annual reports, and shareholder’s letters of expectations between Ministers and Crown Agencies
  • Reviewing and providing independent advice on service plans and annual and performance reports of significant Crown Agencies
  • Providing advice in determining whether a new Crown Agency should be established or an existing Crown Agency dissolved
  • Communicating the shareholder’s perspective, government priorities, and emerging issues to Crown Agencies (e.g., through CEO Forum and shareholder’s letters of expectations)
  • Providing independent advice to Cabinet, Ministers, Boards and/or CEOs on Crown Agency mandates, direction, plans, and performance, as requested
  • Acting as the key government liaison to the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations
  • Identifying and coordinating major cross-Crown Agency policy issues and projects as required
  • Overseeing Core Services Review implementation and coordinating ongoing sectoral restructuring and renewal initiatives
  • Providing senior level advice and support to the Minister of Finance on Crown corporation financial matters
  • Developing, coordinating and leading a performance-based budget process for Crown corporations

For more information about the secretariat, please call us at (250) 952-0750.


  Our mission is to strategically oversee the system of Crown agencies in B.C. and provide government and Crown agencies with the advice, information, and support that promotes good governance, continuous improvement and accountability for results.
Guidelines and Frameworks
Premier's Office Service Plan
Premier's Office Annual Service Plan Report
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