Welcome to the BC Public Service Agency

Our Business
• The BC Public Service
Our Organization
Our Services
Our Minister
Corporate HR Plan  
Agency Service Plan
Annual Report
• Job Opportunities
• Leadership & Learning Centre
• Competencies
• Policies
• Preventing Workplace Violence
• Reports & Publications
• Salary Information
• Vacation - Excluded Employees
• What's New Archive

The BC Public Service Agency supports the Government of BC's vision of achieving excellence in public service by providing human resource services for government as a whole, line managers and supervisors, HR practitioners and employees.

We are changing the look of our site.
Over the next few months, more and more Agency webpages will be redesigned, refreshed, and reformatted based on user feedback and to align with the Province of BC look and feel. Click here to see some sample pages.



What's New

We encourage you to read our Corporate Human Resource Plan.
It's the first plan of its kind for the BC Public Service.
Give us your thoughts.


What's New.
 • Premier’s Awards for 2006/07 Launched
 • Changes to Vacation/Carryover Administration  (October 2006)
 • 14th BCGEU Master Agreement
 • 13th Professional Employees Association Master and Subsidiary Agreements
 • 14th Correctional & Sheriff Services Component
 • 14th Hospital & Allied Services Component
 • 14th Retail Stores & Warehouse Component



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