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Code of Practice for Coalbed Gas Operations Discharging Produced Water (192 KB)  
Registration Form (61 KB)  
Application to Substitute a Requirement
in a Code of Practice
(Word: 77 KB)
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Coalbed Gas Home Page  
Coalbed Gas: Energy for Our Future  
Frequently Asked Questions  

Updated: May 10, 2006



Coalbed Gas

Disposal of Water Produced During Coalbed Gas Extraction

British Columbia is home to a wealth of natural resources, among them natural gas. Coalbed gas (CBG) is natural gas found in underground coal deposits.

This gas is contained within the coal seam where it is adsorbed or attached to the coal particles. Pressure from the overlying rock and the water within the coal seam keeps the methane adsorbed in the coal. During production, water is pumped out of the coal seams, lowering the pressure and thus releasing the gas to be collected and sent to market.

The pumped water (or “produced water”) may be disposed in one of two ways. One method is to re-inject it deep underground.

A second method is to discharge the water into streams or to ground via infiltration (surface disposal where the water seeps into the ground), provided it meets environmental standards.

The Ministry of Environment has developed new regulations in the form of a code of practice. This code was developed through extensive research and study of relevant jurisdictions, to ensure that where the second method of disposal is used, both water quality and the environment continue to be properly protected.

A copy of the Code of Practice can be found by following this link.

Below you will also find answers to frequently asked questions about the code of practice and disposal of water produced during CBG extraction.

The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources publication, Coalbed Gas: Energy for Our Future (PDF: 24 pages), is available to provide an overview of coalbed gas as a resource, information about stages of development, and the commitment of the BC government to responsible development.


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