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Consumer Protection Index
B.C. Buildings Corporation Technical Manuals and Cabling FAQs
Approved cable installers; Client Comfort Systems Design Manual; plus technical standards and specifications.
B.C. Utilities Commission: Complaint Handling Procedures
Provides assistance in resolving disputes with utilities providers
Motor Dealer Customer Compensation Fund
An industry fund for vehicle buyers who face problems with vehicle dealers.
Private Investigators and Security Agencies - public complaints
If you believe you have been wrongly treated by a security business or an employee of a security business, you are encouraged to make a complaint to the Security Programs Division of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
Public Registry of Licensed Residential Builders
Find a licenced residential builder who provides home warranty insurance
Real Estate Council of B.C.
Real Estate Council information, guides and forms for licensing, complaints, licensee search, consumer publications, list of council members and staff, etc.
Social Insurance Number
Application process, forms and instructions to apply or replace a Social Insurance Card.
Travel Service Purchases
Information on buying travel services and an explanation of the travel assurance fund.
Vehicle Leasing
Information on leasing a vehicle.
Vehicle Purchase
Step-by-step guide on buying a new or used vehicle, including information on terms and regulations.
Workers' Compensation Board Clearance Letter
Verification that a business, contractor or subcontractor is registered with the Workers' Compensation Board.
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